Help w/Diagnosing Swing Change

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Hi All,

I have a quick question about a "discovery" I made at the range this evening. As I was taking some practice swings, I noticed that at my impact position, the toe of my club points downward and heel up. So I adjusted my stance so that I was a tad closer to the ball and bent my knees quite a bit more than normal. What ends up happening is at setup, the toe of my club is pointing up off the ground and the ball is a little closer to the heel. During my swing I made a point of keeping my lead hand a little lower so that the club comes in pretty level. I tell you, it's been the best ball striking session I've had in a LONG time.

So I have a few questions. Does this mean at some point I became to upright in my swing? Should I get the lie adjusted on my clubs? Or did I discover something I should have been doing all along -- keep my lead hand "low", closer to my belt at impact?

I know it's a lot to ask without a video, but, I thought I'd give it try anyway. Thanks for any input!
"best ball striking..." indicates your former strikes were not solid. I suspect they were on the toe of the club. Else what? So standing closer to the ball you hit it closer to the SS. Simple geometry, that part.

Video prolly will not reveal very much unless your former position was an extreme one.

IF you stand with your weight more towards your heels you will have less tendency TO reach out: that is the usual source of toe impacts.
Do lie angles depend on your setup or how you swing(or both)? I'm 5-9 and have "standard" length clubs. I wonder if my lie angles should be adjusted? When I set up like you demonstrate in your videos it seem like the toe is off the ground a little. Would that mean I need them flattened perhaps? If I do, what problems can arrise with having them to upright? Thanks
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