I have been playing now for a couple of years and am still pretty bad - horrible slice, starts right then shoots even farther right (is this a push slice). Anyway, through various forums I have found myself here and the info is making more sense than other stuff I have read, been told, seen etc. So, being a newbie to the TGM info I need some clarification on some of the terminology being used. What are "swivel," "hinge," and "pivot?" Also, if it is not too much to ask, how are each correctly performed? What is the difference between "hitting" and "swinging?" This has started some raging debates on some other DGs, but TGM seems to have a fairly clear distinction. And finally, can TGM (the book) be used as a "how to" manual or is it just theory that is difficult to apply without an experienced practitioner? I am sorry to be asking such basic stuff, but am looking forward to reading about any or all of the above topics. Thanks for everyone's time!