timm said:
I’ve been hitting the ball solidly with my short to mid irons using Ben Doyle’s hand location. I get into impact fix to see where I need my hands to be and then I make my swing trying to return my hands to that spot a feeling the they snap at the last possible second. My problem is with my longer irons 5, 4, 3 not hitting as well. How much forward lean shaft do I need and should my hands return to the same spot as the short and mid irons or should they me further forward or back. I use my left foot as the place I return my hands for the mid to short irons. I’ve tried to do aiming point but when I do that it just doesn’t work for me. Any help would be appreciated.
Hope "snap" is not being confused with "flip". The "snap" would come about as a result of the right
arm, not wrist, straightening through impact which, in turn, uncocks the left wrist. The "flip" is the straightening of the right wrist and forward bending of the left - not good!
Hands at impact do not correspond to where the hands were at address, unless you start from impact fix - which is not altogether a bad thing.
Your hands at impact will be further forward of the clubhead the shorter the iron you are using. To get an idea of this concept just sole your clubs, say a 5i and a wedge along side each other and see how much more forward lean you have on the wedge than the 5i. This is an integral part of club design.
This forward lean from the correctly soled club will then help you to place the ball accurately in your set up. The more forward the lean, the further back the ball position at set up.
As a guide, sole the club, take your grip with your hands just inside your target side thigh and place the ball where the clubhead is. With a wedge this will be directly under your crutch, or thereabouts, and the ball will need to be moved progressively further forward as you move up through the longer irons.