Help with swing.

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Please Help with swing!


I am in need of desperate help. Over the last few years, I have seen my handicap rise from +1 to aound a 3. The worst part about it is the fact that I have become a better chipper and putter. I have posted my swing below and would really appreciate any help. I bought NHA about 3 weeks ago and have tried to incorporate the video into my swing but it still looks as though I am swinging to the right. Both of these balls went to the right. Thanks for your time. kermit

down the line

face on
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OK, I have a few ideas.

First, you appear to set the club early in your back swing. I think it would help to delay your wrist set longer to keep on a slightly flatter plane on the way back. This will also help you coordinate your arm swing and body turn better. Take a look at the swing Brian posted of Arnold Palmer and note how he swings the club inside on the way back then gets it right on plane on the way down. In particular note the positions of his left arm halfway back and halfway down, that would be a good image for you to have as you practice.

You could definitely use a little of that move to get your turn started and I think it would be of benefit to practice swinging more inside on the back swing and feel over the top on the down swing. Trust me, if you video yourself trying to swing like this you won't even be close to the over the top but you'll have the club in a better place coming down.

Second, I would flare your left foot out. I definitely think that is an easy thing to implement that could yield instant results. Flaring the left foot out can help restrict your turn and secondly help the club get on plane (instead of too inside) as you get to impact.

Lastly, if you are looking at your face on video note the positions of your shoulders on the downswing as the club nears parallel to the ground(right before impact). At this point if you drew a line through your 2 shoulders you want them to be as close to parallel with the shaft as they can be. A lot of great players have this look. It is a good reference point for me because tells me that I am closer to being on plane and not coming from the inside excessively.

I hope these ideas help and make sense to you.
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kshoren05 ,

Thanks for you input. Does anyone else have any ideas? I have a tournament coming up and would really like to play better? Thanks.
Turned shoulder plane

It looks to me like you are below the turned shoulder plane on your backswing. You need to go "up the wall" more in the backswing. Watch NHA again.


Nice swing. Try finishing your backswing pivot. Your hips and shoulders both stop turning I bit soon for my taste. Then again, I am no expert.
I, too, am no expert, but I agree with djm. It looks to me like you are doing a LOT of really good things in the swing, but it does seem that you could have a fuller pivot. And I think being too far inside on the downswing may merely be a symptom of not quite finishing your turn on the way back.


New member
I think you have a near-perfect swing. I think that all the criticisms are without merit. I especially would not alter the length of your backswing. Aaron Baddeley, and many other outstanding golfers, have shorter backswings. You pivot beautifully in the backswing/downswing and you release well. If you push slightly, it could simply be a timing issue that causes you to reach impact with a clubface that is not perfectly square.



Axis tilt


It looks like there are alot of nice elements. But you create so much axis tilt at the top that you have to chase with your upper body in the downsing. Your first move in the downswing is to remove some of your axis tilt. You will have trouble with your start line. Your axis tilt should be less at the top and increasing some on the downswing. I think you should focus on making a more centered backswing and having less angle from your left hip to your shoulders at the top.
Just to clarify: I very much agree with Jeff - it's an excellent swing. And I don't think you should 'lengthen' your backswing. I just think you might want to think about completing your pivot and making it just slightly fuller. But the arms and hands would wind up in a very similar place at the top.
Thanks for all of the replies, I really appreciated it. Please keep the ideas coming. I am so tired of playing poorly. I especially agree with Cope. I think I need to stay more centered on the backswing. Jim, Brian, or anyone else have any thoughts. Thanks for your time and help.

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