Here's your chance to post your putting teaching, without being picked apart.

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There was a guy that posted his thoughts on putting, feel free to repost and to the critizers post your thoughts on putting mechanics and give your thoughts as to how you like to see people putt. This is not a competition but rather a further post to help people out. To the teachers only post answers to the members that are asking for help. Keep this post as a positive and not a bull'''' post.
short putt 6 feet and inside

I practice with a Rubiks cube in the living room. I setup about 6 feet away between the cube and the ball, and then make sure my ball hits the cube. It has helped me tremendously on the course. If you think of controlling the distance, you will barely touch the rubicks cube, so you would really try to hit the ball through and move the rubicks cube a little. not sure if i explained this well enough.

I used to putt with distance control, but it always end up short and not going in the hole even within 4 feet apart. Now I'm not scared to putt pass the hole, because I know I can make it if it's within 6 feet.
"because I know I can make it if it's within 6 feet."

Not only is that not true, but because of the speed of the putt
you have reduced your chances of making the putt by a whole bunch.
As your comeback distance increases from say in the leather length, the
percentage of made comeback putts declines.
"because I know I can make it if it's within 6 feet."

Not only is that not true, but because of the speed of the putt
you have reduced your chances of making the putt by a whole bunch.
As your comeback distance increases from say in the leather length, the
percentage of made comeback putts declines.

what can i say, i'm ze pro
Well I've been doing Phils putting stroke. It's pretty much hands forward and accelerate through. I learned it from his video, but now he switches to a belly putter. What the frack?
I really think that whole Dave Stockton approach to putting is not the right way to go. The forward stroke feels like a huge manipulation, especially through the ball. Adding loft through impact seems like the only way to get the ball to hug the ground. I can't imagine the ball actually starting off rolling if it is being "popped down"
And another thing...cup speed. There's one thing I really can't stand hearing on the putting green..."Gotta get it there to make it!" So really, is a putt blown by 6 feet in better shape than the putt that is 2 inches short? How many putters that were considered any good didn't have the ball die at the hole?

I know this isn't a putt, but could you imagine this thing really having a chance if it were barreling to the hole?

Speed is SO much more important to me than any line. I can just half-*** read a putt with my feet and line up in the general direction of where I want it to go, and assuming my speed isn't terrible it will always be an easy 2 putt if I miss. In fact I never give my putts anything but a quick glance and feet read during my practice rounds. Look at the hole while feeling a couple practice strokes, step up and give it a whirl.
I utilize much of what Geoff Mangum advocates when it comes to putting. Damon Lucas can probably expound more on it but essentially it's a gravity-based stroke (very pendulum-like) with a straight-back-straight-thru clubhead motion. I know that sbst is considered "un-natural" by some but I disagree. At the speed the shoulders move in a putt it's just as easy to get the left shoulder to move in a vertical plane as it is to move it around the spine and I believe results in fewer pushes or pulls.

Mangum's core-putt theory is genius and takes so much of the guess-work out of distance control. If anything I've struggled a bit with the pure gravity based motion when my hands would disconnect a bit from the shoulders and apply a little "hit" at impact. I've been experimenting with a belly putter of late which seems to take care of that issue and makes this approach ridiculously simple.
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1st and foremost for me is confidence in my putting stroke period. 2nd I got the confidence by trying different methods recomended by instructors, helped some but deep down I felt it wasnt my stroke, so I stated over by simply making sure of a few things. First I had to make sure I was consistantly rolling it straight, took awhile but straight is straight, and as the saying goes all putts are straight, next I found out what was the lenght of my putting stroke I could do consistantly without causing the ball to go not straight and how long would the ball roll, this part is crucial cause on slow greens it will be less and on fast greens it will longer. Good to practice on the practice greens before a round. Once I know how long the ball will roll on the practice green with my puttting stroke I have much more confidence in making adjustment on the course for longer or shorter putts.


2 thoughts:
Make the ball 2 dimensional to get the hit out of it. I actually cut out a piece of paper and use that as the ball to practice my stroke.
Second is actually putter related most advice is to shorten your putter but I actually lengthened mine to 38". Much better flow and you can move your hands up and down depending upon length. Cabrera won the the open I believe with this type of putter
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