hey i just had a shot about hitting a cut shot....

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Not sure if this could work but for some reason it just kinda popped into my mind. If you wanted to hit a cut shot could you just open the face up more at address and go through your normal swing including coming down and hitting the inside corner of the ball? Or is this just wishful thinking?

My view is if the club is TOO open at impact it will close enough at separation and create a fade or cut.



quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

Is a 'cut' a push fade, straight fade or a pull fade?

Traditionally, the Cut Shot is thought of as a Pitch or Sand Shot that starts left of the hole and Fades in. The concept is also extended to the longer shots. For example, the announcer says, "He cut a 6-iron into that back right pin position," or, "a little cut three-wood will leave him in perfect position."


TGMers know that a Cut Shot is any Shot where Vertical Hinging is used, regardless of the Plane Line (2-C-2). With that as our definition, an Inside-Out Cut Shot -- Vertical Hinging with an Inside Out Impact (10-6-E Closed Plane Line) -- will produce a Shot that starts right of the hole, and then Draws in.

But share the Inside-Out Cut Shot only with your buddies in The Golfing Machine. The rest of the Golf World is not quite yet ready for this one!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
ok....im talking about a fade that starts left of target and fades back in. I call it a cut sometimes...sorry for the confusion

The procedure you described should work to produce a fade.
You probably would want to use the 10-5-D Plane Line Arrangement(set stance and plane left of target).


The inside out cut is one of those... "Have to do it, to believe it" type shots. Try it, you'll find it an interesting experiment in 'feel' vs 'real' - skip that rock..... get that right elbow leading and right shoulder down

This is why Hogan wrote in 5 lessons that he thought the plane line shifted out to first base on the downswing

Inside back corner
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