Hinging - How??

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I think that I have a solid understanding (thanks to Brians vid) of what the different hinges are, but how do you control it? Or, what is the best way to control it? RIght hand? Left? Wiggle my toes and twinkle my nose?

I saw that vid before and just watched it again. But his explanation seems like it should be with the hands. Isn't using the hands too much a bad thing? Or am I missing something? Ack, too many contradictions in my head!
Personally, I try to get the feel of what my right hand is doing...what alignments it has...where it's going...etc.

I really try to watch that wrist throughtout the swing. It's my only focus, really. I bend it backwards (I have a very neutral, weakish grip BTW) and pull it back, up, and in. Gotta get that "clapping your hands" feeling with the right arm.

And yes, right forearm pickup is favoured by TGM. I used to think it was kind of awkward but if you do it right it feels great. Gotta pull back so you feel the pull in the back of your right shoulder.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Here is how i do hinging:

For horizontal hinging: I let the club open on the backswing (open to the plane and don't over roll it open like many do) and then just let it close on the downswing naturally due to the centripetal or centrifugal force, forget which one. When you do this you will feel the #3pp more "under" the shaft at the top of your backswing.

For angled hinging: I try to not let the face roll open at all. I try to keep the face square to the arc, but closed to the plane line. Due to this closing action on the backswing and a hitter's motion, i get the angled hinge because i'm driving the right arm and can't close the face all the way. The feel of your #3pp is still on the "back" of the shaft, even at the top.

For vertical hinging: I do the same thing as angled hinging on the backswing but during impact i don't let the face do anything, i hold on for dear life so the face doesn't open/close at all and just let the face go straight up to the sky and leading edge/face of the club is now perdendicular (90*) to your plane line.

Hope that helps
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

Here is how i do hinging:

For horizontal hinging: I let the club open on the backswing (open to the plane and don't over roll it open like many do) and then just let it close on the downswing naturally due to the centripetal or centrifugal force, forget which one. When you do this you will feel the #3pp more "under" the shaft at the top of your backswing.

For angled hinging: I try to not let the face roll open at all. I try to keep the face square to the arc, but closed to the plane line. Due to this closing action on the backswing and a hitter's motion, i get the angled hinge because i'm driving the right arm and can't close the face all the way. The feel of your #3pp is still on the "back" of the shaft, even at the top.

For vertical hinging: I do the same thing as angled hinging on the backswing but during impact i don't let the face do anything, i hold on for dear life so the face doesn't open/close at all and just let the face go straight up to the sky and leading edge/face of the club is now perdendicular (90*) to your plane line.

Hope that helps


Brian Manzella

For Horizontal Hinging:

Go from palm facing INWARD when your arm is 45º to the ground prior to impact
to palm facing OUTWARD when your arm is 45º to the ground past impact.

For Angled Hinging:

Go from back of left hand facing THE BALL when your arm is 45º to the ground prior to impact
to PALM facing THE BALL when your arm is 45º to the ground past impact.

For Vertical Hinging:

Go from back of left hand facing THE BALL when your arm is 45º to the ground prior to impact
Go from palm facing INWARD when your arm is 45º to the ground prior to impact

to PALM facing THE GROUND when your arm is HORIZONTAL to the ground past impact.
Thnks for the replies guys. Just to clarify, you can use the hands to control this? Or should something be done to cause the effect? If you can just use your hands, what do people mean when they say that you got 'too handsy'? Or that you shouldn't use them? Sorry for the questions but this confuses me quite a bit.

Thanks all.


do you have the flipper video? Brian goes into some detail about setting the impact hands and using the pivot to carry you to the ball. He also demonstrates a swing in which he uses a minimal pivot to hit the ball. However, he also says that both swings (these were short pitch shots) look pretty much the same. The difference, is that you, the golfer, might feel you are employing a different procedure-using what feels like your arms and hands, or just shifting your weight back and forth with no conscious manipulation of the hands.
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