Hip Slant

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I'd like to know what you think about Hip Slant.....and how it relates to components 14-16 (Hip Turn, Hip Action, Knee Action)....

Also, do you think altering these components and Hip Slant effects Hinging.....i.e. certain things go better with certain Hinges...

[EDIT]....1 more- does it effect Plane?

Was thinking about this today......while screwing around in garage...


I could be proven completely wrong here but without going back and look at the yellow book.

I would say Knee action has the greatest effect on hip slant.

Sorting Through the Duffer's Bible.

quote:Originally posted by tongzilla

Should golfers try to maintain right leg angle from address to the top?

I'll throw this response out, and see what Brian thinks...

If using a "base of the neck" swing center, yes. If using a "stationary head," no.


quote:Originally posted by armourall

quote:Originally posted by tongzilla

Should golfers try to maintain right leg angle from address to the top?

I'll throw this response out, and see what Brian thinks...

If using a "base of the neck" swing center, yes. If using a "stationary head," no.

I would agree with that in general if you were talking about knee flex, but leg angle 'should' be stable.
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