hip slide help

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Short irons are ok, anything longer than a 5 iron I really feel like i'm hanging back or going too far left. Any tips/ help? I 'm trying to stop using the pure rotation swing that has plagued me. I just can't seem to find the right amount of hip bump/ weight shift left.

I've found the best way to get the best amount of hip bump is to make the first action from the top an attempt to raise my right heel off the deck, while the weight is still on it..
What you'll find is that the intention of trying to raise that heel kicks your left hip laterally left and you get automatic weight transfer.....your body reacts to the right heel the same as when you are walking....as your right heel raises, your body knows it needs to secure the left foot and transfer the weight there (otherwise you'll fall over........:D )
i don't like conciously thinking of weight shift as there is a tendency to overdo it...

Remember tho, you must keep your head steady behind the ball at the same time...
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I've found the best way to get the best amount of hip bump is to make the first action from the top an attempt to raise my right heel off the deck, while the weight is still on it..

From personal experience it is far better to 'try' to rotate the right foot 'clockwise'.
From personal experience it is far better to 'try' to rotate the right foot 'clockwise'.

That happens as well.....but trying to raise the right heel (while maintaining your height) forces your right leg to assume the correct shape to shorten/compress your right side...
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great tip


Thanks for the tip. I can really feel my weight shift without me having to think of it, like you said, automatic weight shift. Plus i'm really feeling my right side move through the shot. Thank you!
no he means your right heel moves closer to the left foot than the toe does, hence a clockwise movement of the right foot

Not actually what I mean't - I was unclear so my fault not yours.

What I mean't was as you make the backstroke - you use the tension you create against the right foot on the backstroke to launch you into the downstroke. When its done correctly you have a certain feeling of attempting to 'rotate' the right foot clockwise... of course you don't actually rotate it clockwise during the downstroke but that pretty much is the intention.
right foot clockwise...would that mean you would be screwing it into the ground still in the ds?

When your hip motion turns against the foot in the backstroke you create a pressure which you feel deep into the ground. The hip motion is going feel to the good golfer like the hip 'turn' is continuing into the initial part of the downstroke, however in reality it is really is just the hip slide (allowing your body to tilt) without prematurely 'spinning' out. Hence if you lose the pressure against the foot at startdown, you are 'spinning' out prematurely.
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The clockwise rotation (or intention of) is done with the ball of the right foot as the rotation center (Ben Hogan had special golf shoes for this purpose)....for the hips to turn clockwise, the feet, basically need to oppose that direction
Short irons are ok, anything longer than a 5 iron I really feel like i'm hanging back or going too far left. Any tips/ help? I 'm trying to stop using the pure rotation swing that has plagued me. I just can't seem to find the right amount of hip bump/ weight shift left.

This a tough one for me too but I tend to slide too laterally and push/slice the ball or flip it to save. When I feel the inside of my right foot and all up the inside of my right leg has really resisted in the BS I can just bump the hips left and behind me (first base) so im turning them out the way and shifting. I dont want to shift them straight at the target else they dont clear

I also find if I get that reistance my BS is a whole lot more compact and a I get a real feeling of resistance - indeed if I try and hold it its hard
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