Hip turn inhibited if not sequenced right

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Hip turn and lag

Trying to get my hip turn to mimick a tour pro, but was off balance until I figured out that I think I was faking it after impact. With the momentum of my hands going down and out, I was getting off balance trying to strike the tour finish pose.

But when I started to clear my hips as the FIRST move on the down swing inside the house last night, the sequencing felt better and I seem to be able to at least strike the proper pose.

But not having done this on the course, it feels like I may hit a big block to the right with my hips outracing my hands.

So my question is what is the proper sequencing of the hip turn and to what degree should they be cleared at various points in the downswing? e.g. both cheaks visible from DTL view at impact, square to the target at finish.
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Well, I figured out on video today that I do achieve one interesting thing by beginning my downswing by yanking my left hip clear quickly--- I store the angle b/w club and left forearm much longer-- it actually was enlightening on how that's done. I had always tried to do it with my arms-- bringing the butt end of the club down toward the ball, but I always threw it away too soon.

Perhaps it was because my hips were too inactive in the early downswing. My video recorder sucks, but it almost feels like I INCREASE the angle on the downswing when I pre-clear my hips that quickly.

Now keep in mind that I am not advocating this sequencing. I am just stating that it happens to help me achieve that one thing--perhaps in a vacuum-- don't know yet.

Can somebody with a video do an experiment for me-- Video yourself with one goal--- clearing your left hip like your life depended on it, but before you activate your arms on the downswing. Then let me know if it helped you hold the angle until closer to impact.

Then tell me if you blocked the ball WAY WAY out to the right.
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