Hip Turn on Backswing and its Effects....?

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Chris Sturgess

New member
Does the amount of hip turn on the backswing affect distance? What about accuracy?

There is of course the X Factor thing that says limiting hip turn while turning your shoulders will increase distance, and Tiger, Villegas, and some guys on tour do this well. But then young Jack Nicklaus used to hit long drives with a big hip turn and Bubba Watson has a huge hip turn. So what conclusions can be drawn from this?

And what about accuracy? Does a smaller hip turn make it easier to hit it straight because of less moving parts? Or is a bigger hip turn better because it has less tension?
Unless you only have 5 degrees of hip turn, the amount of hip turn will influence distance more through its effect on clubhead path rather than its effect on creating more clubhead speed.
I wouldn't think you ever restrict hip turn, IMO if the weight stays inside the right foot the hips will turn as they need to without trying to restrict any movement.
How many pro`s do you think start the backswing with their hips????.. I`m not a student of the swing but when I watch the pro`s it looks like they all take the club back with their hands. Freddy Couples says he just takes it back with his 3 fingers of the left hand. Is it an opticall illusion. Like mike weir for instance he takes the club back first with a mini swing and follows that plane, it seems like he does it with his hands. Anybody ?


I think that a greater hip turn generally allows for a more inside aproach to the ball, where a restricted hip turn can promote more of an over the top move. I think.
How many pro`s do you think start the backswing with their hips????.. I`m not a student of the swing but when I watch the pro`s it looks like they all take the club back with their hands. Freddy Couples says he just takes it back with his 3 fingers of the left hand. Is it an opticall illusion. Like mike weir for instance he takes the club back first with a mini swing and follows that plane, it seems like he does it with his hands. Anybody ?

i was 5 feet away fro freddy and from Baddely and i belive they all take it back with the stomach.

Chris Sturgess

New member
Baddeley maybe but Freddy definitely does not take it back with the stomach, stomach and hips being pretty much the same thing. 100% hands takeaway from Freddie. This would lead most average players to make their entire swing with the hands but of course Freddy doesn't do that. Joeparr is correct, most pros these days take it back with their upper body. Whether it is a fad or actually beneficial I can't be sure. Nicklaus, Snead, even Hogan all took it back with their whole body.
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Chris Sturgess

New member
Anthony Kim may have the least amount of backswing hip turn in golf history. I guess he is very flexible. Does anyone think this increases his power? Or would he hit it even farther if he turned his hips more? What about accuracy?

And please, no "he swings the way that's good for him" cop out statements. We are talking theoretically here, I'm not saying the guy should restructure his swing coming off a win. I'm saying/asking...assume all outside variables being equal and easily done, what do you think would be better?

Chris Sturgess

New member
Oh ok, I certainly agree but I should say I'm talking about what is ideal or most efficient here as opposed to flaws a high handicapper would have.
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