Hip turn

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Brian or other TGMer's
Could you explain the hip motion in the backswing. Should you try and restrict your hip turn as everyone advocates or can they have some "give" in them as long as you turn into the right leg and don't collapse.


Turn your chest/torso area and the hips will be restricted somewhat by the flex in the right knee. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ARTIFICIALLY RESTRICT!
As far as I can tell there are 4 hip actions layed out in TGM, they are:

Zero: Not a true 'action', no descernable movement in either direction
Standard: Hips initiate and lead throughout
Delayed: Shoulders lead in the backswing, the hips then take over in the downstroke (ala Tiger, I would imagine)
Short: Opposite of Delayed

Brian might be able to expand and tell you which ones suit which procedures.
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