Hit it with your stomach!

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I found a hand written note that I wrote many years ago about something Brian wrote. It was basically like, "never move the hands with your hands." And then I wrote, "hit the ball with your stomach." Is this still valid? With all the "changes" going around I have a hard time figuring out what is still "right". Is this valid for patterns such as NHA and SD? Thanks
Seems like hitting with your stomach would be a reference to hitting with the pivot. If so, IMO it's still very relevent.
Once your wrists are cocked and carried deep into the slot by the body move your hands with your elbows, the uncock/recock should float your hands quickly and smoothly to your original forward shoulder. Don't try to time the uncock; time when the elbows start to drive. The uncock/recock must be free of intention.
I've heard this well. Or 'hit it with your navel'. Sounds like a valid approach to hitting the ball pure as long as you don't get too 'loose' with the feet.

I don't know if its good advice if you stand a little farther away from the ball and swing your arms flat...could lead to wipe city. Guess it depends on what the arms do on the first move down huh?
Ben Doyle always preached "hit it with you navel"............of course I dont know if it is trackman approved or not..LOL just kidding
Today I really made an effort not to swing hard from the top and just come down smooth and hit it with my pivot. Results? AMAZING I think this is the real "secret" to golf. My favorite golf quote is something like, "Pro's look like they are doing less because they are." My distance was equal if not more and the ball flight was higher. Contact felt much better and I felt like I was hardly swinging, SMOOTH, SMOOTH, SMOOTH. This has all been with my irons and now I just need to do this with the driver. Hopefully I'll come back with an update if I remember.
Today I really made an effort not to swing hard from the top and just come down smooth and hit it with my pivot. Results? AMAZING I think this is the real "secret" to golf. My favorite golf quote is something like, "Pro's look like they are doing less because they are." My distance was equal if not more and the ball flight was higher. Contact felt much better and I felt like I was hardly swinging, SMOOTH, SMOOTH, SMOOTH. This has all been with my irons and now I just need to do this with the driver. Hopefully I'll come back with an update if I remember.

I dunno, but it seems like when i do 80 percent on the driver it goes about 290-300 w roll. When I go 100 percent it can roll up to 320??
Well I do have an update. I said yesterday that I found MY "secret" to golf and then shortly after went out and shot the best 9 holes at my club (for me). And that's with a shaky driver. Had to stop using it and just bunted my 3w out there with a little low draw/hook type flight. Should have been about 2 strokes lower due to some bad putting but oh well. Still looking to jump start my driver.
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