hit the ball vs swinging towards left of the target

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Just a question that I wanted to ask...

If you focus on swinging or hitting the ball, would it destroy your swing?
Should you focus more on the target rather than hitting the ball?
Have you tried both? What's been your experience with it?

hitting the ball = swinging to the right, left shoulder stop moving, club face very open, flipping maybe?, club finish all over the place, helicopter style, ball flight left hook

towards left of the target = body opens more, club face is square, higher hands low club.....ball flight straight

don't understand why.


hitting the ball = swinging to the right, left shoulder stop moving, club face very open, flipping maybe?, club finish all over the place, helicopter style, ball flight left hook

towards left of the target = body opens more, club face is square, higher hands low club.....ball flight straight

don't understand why.

Either or, just let the ball get in the way of whatever it is you are trying to do. Swing or hit right through it as if it was not there at all. Just envision those lovely practise swings you make.:)

Swinging/hitting at the ball is the root cause of many problems.
Either or, just let the ball get in the way of whatever it is you are trying to do. Swing or hit right through it as if it was not there at all. Just envision those lovely practise swings you make.:)

Swinging/hitting at the ball is the root cause of many problems.

any good drill to swing through the ball?
here you go

any good drill to swing through the ball?

The best way to understand the feel of this is to try out this exercise.
Take a bucket of balls onto the golf range.
Using a seven iron take up your address position over the ball and place the club head actually against the ball so it’s touching.
Without having any backswing at all swing the club to a full finish.
If you carry the action out correctly the ball will be slung ten or twenty yards onto the driving range. Initially the ball will almost be glued to the face as acceleration builds, but when enough momentum has been created the ball will release away onto the range.
There should be a tremendous sensation of everything moving together to a full finish.
If the ball immediately slips off the face it means you have overactive hands and are flicking at the ball.
Carry on practicing this drill until you sling the ball away five times on the trot.

i got this by googling "hitting through the ball"
The best way to understand the feel of this is to try out this exercise.
Take a bucket of balls onto the golf range.
Using a seven iron take up your address position over the ball and place the club head actually against the ball so it’s touching.
Without having any backswing at all swing the club to a full finish.
If you carry the action out correctly the ball will be slung ten or twenty yards onto the driving range. Initially the ball will almost be glued to the face as acceleration builds, but when enough momentum has been created the ball will release away onto the range.
There should be a tremendous sensation of everything moving together to a full finish.
If the ball immediately slips off the face it means you have overactive hands and are flicking at the ball.
Carry on practicing this drill until you sling the ball away five times on the trot.

i got this by googling "hitting through the ball"
how do you do this while having your tail bone ahead of your head?



how do you do this while having your tail bone ahead of your head?

Just address the ball with your tail bone forward of your head (a static rehearsal of your impact position, if you like) and make the same motion. Leslie King called this "Front end Therapy".

Swing right through to a full finish.

Some people now mock the "walk through" drill that Gary Player promoted but you might find this helps you also. Its still relevant when used properly.
hitting the ball = swinging to the right, left shoulder stop moving, club face very open, flipping maybe?, club finish all over the place, helicopter style, ball flight left hook

towards left of the target = body opens more, club face is square, higher hands low club.....ball flight straight

don't understand why.

I would stop doing your first paragraph swing, where you describe horrible results, and instead focus on your second paragraph swing, where you describe good results. Then stop trying figure out every little nuance of your swing.
Work on the approach that is creating good results.

I sometimes read these posts, not just your posts, and ask myself this question. "Would I have ever learned to
play golf back the 60's if I had access to all this information?" Who knows maybe I would be better off? Something tells me that there is a possibility that my longtime tendency to over analysis would have been over analysis times 100, with worse results.
hitting the ball = swinging to the right, left shoulder stop moving, club face very open, flipping maybe?, club finish all over the place, helicopter style, ball flight left hook

towards left of the target = body opens more, club face is square, higher hands low club.....ball flight straight

don't understand why.

I would stop doing your first paragraph swing, where you describe horrible results, and instead focus on your second paragraph swing, where you describe good results. Then stop trying figure out every little nuance of your swing.
Work on the approach that is creating good results.

I sometimes read these posts, not just your posts, and ask myself this question. "Would I have ever learned to
play golf back the 60's if I had access to all this information?" Who knows maybe I would be better off? Something tells me that there is a possibility that my longtime tendency to over analysis would have been over analysis times 100, with worse results.

I've thought about this a lot. I've been on the range, and found a way to hit the ball solid and straight(ish), then I get ahold of some hot new info, and completely forget about what was actually working. There's so much info from so many sources, that it's easy to get caught up.

It wasn't until this year that I began to look for things that work (on the range and course), made a mental note of them, and committed to the things that work, and building everything else around those things. The cool thing about that is I now have ownership of the things that help me hit the ball well, so whenever I can take a lesson, we won't be starting from square one.
Whatever works for you.

I have read things that say some people are more "swinging the club" types...

Some are more into "programming impact"...

Some just "rip at it"...

Some are more intuitive (they alternate), and into fun.

It has to suit your person. And simply work for you.

I would imagine though that every person uses a bit of everything. (?) Or at least can.
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