Hitters' right forearm position at the top

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roll - gybe

New member
Hello everyone, I'm new here - got the book and I am very interested. I've been working with a great pro for a year now, and by searching the net for some of his concepts, I ended up here...

Anyway, we've been moving toward putting a lot of hit in my swing. I naturally had more swing, but as we corrected some big flaws (plane & pivot), I began to feel more like a hitter - and I am hitting the ball better than ever.

I now have a spine pivot and a right arm take-away (I think that's how Brian described it; although i'm thinking about my left side in reality). In Brian's first video, he mentions a different right forarm/elbow position for the hitter and swinger at the top. What are these positions - especially as they relate to hitting?

Currently with a mid to short iron, I like to move my right shoulder down, and almost get my right elbow in front of my chest before I pivot. I basically envision the butt of the shaft hitting the aft inside edge of the ball, and the I just let go and pivot. I call this action "cramming it." With a driver, I think more about torquing my left knee out out of fear of chopping at a teed up ball - or worse - letting the ball drift right.

Thoughts are very appreciated!
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