Hitting and neck pain!

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Ok, I've been trying TGM hitting with lessons from an excellent instructor. However, I must be doing something wrong because ever since I've started, the next day I have some fairly decent pain along the right side of my neck and where it meets the top of my shoulder. Never had this when I was more of a "flipper". I really can't quite figure out what's causing it. Believe, I am far from felxible, but it shouldn't be like this.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.


Tom Bartlett

quote:Originally posted by pm4610

quote:Originally posted by brianman

Why, may I ask?

I think because I can't swing and hitting is simpler/easier to learn.

Not according to Homer. He "suggests" teaching everyone to be a swinger first and only after they master that should they try to hit.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Where was the ball going pm?

No place consistently. Left, right, fat, thin, all of them and always at the wrong time. I'm about as flexible as a 2x4. I have bad tempo/timing. I'm 45 years old. Took it up in my late 20's and quit after a year or two. Took it up again about 4 years ago and have had more than my fair share of "pro's". Not much swing speed. I love the game, but as far as getting better, it doesn't love me. My goal would be just to shoot in the low 90's - bogey golf on a consistent basis, however, I'm re-evaluating that to just shoot under 100.
Regardless, I can't get the hang of open/square/impact/close - never could roll the wrists over. So, with this, the inflexibility, looking for something simple that could give me some decent results, and get the results fairly quickly, we (Jim 0068) decided to go with "hitting".
Thanks again,
ps: I'm coming to see as soon as you post your upcoming schedule.
pps: You and Jim0068 are my last hope. I probably won't quit, but I'm not going to care about getting better if I don't get better this year.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Due to Paul's lack of pivot ability and flexibility i thought we would try hitting and it seems to work when he focuses on his setup routine ;).

We've had some good range results but it's cold in chicago and we're hitting off matts which isn't the greatest for banging "down" on a golf club which i think is where his pain comes from. He goes to the same range as i do and "magically" when i stop hitting off their matts my left shoulder issues go away. When you're flipping at it you're not banging down as hard and there isn't as big a "shock" from the impact.


Mats could be it. My elbows and forearms tend to get sore during the winter when my range moves us to the mats, or the grass is really just a bunch of dirt.

Tom Bartlett

Hate mats! They are like the virtual golf machines we saw at the show, they let you get away with a lot of bad swings. And yes, they can tear you up. If I had my way ranges wouldn't even have grass. The whole thing would be sand. Easier on the golfer and much better feedback.

By the way, I didn't say learn to swing first. I just said that was Homer's recommendation. And as we know his recommendations as far as teaching aren't always the best. (I'm gonna catch hell for that one)
quote:Originally posted by Tom Bartlett

Hate mats! They are like the virtual golf machines we saw at the show, they let you get away with a lot of bad swings. And yes, they can tear you up. If I had my way ranges wouldn't even have grass. The whole thing would be sand. Easier on the golfer and much better feedback.

I know about mats and 100% of the time it affects me in the elbow/forearm when that's the cause. I don't have it in my elbow/forearm at all. This is different.
the day after i did a range session hitting I felt much more pain throughout my body then a normal range session swinging. The hitting impact position feels much more solid and that feeling transfers throughout the body much more then swinging. This is one of the main reasons I choose not to be a hitter, even though it is VERY accurate for me.
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

Prolly a dumb question....

Do you stretch b4 you play?

Not a dumb question at all. I've got some lower back issues, so I stretch plenty. I always do some stretching and I usually warm-up quite a lot before I really go at it. Since this is new issue, I can try stretching my shoulders and neck more, but I really think it's something in my swing that's causing it.
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