HItting so good...thanks Manzella!!! you the man.

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I have been hitting Jack Nicklaus fade for the last few rounds I have played.
I think golf is easier if you just swing the club, instead of focusing on that little ball..

The only thing I was missing was short game. I had to watch the out and over again!!!

wow, I think i'm gonna shoot even par soon!

and thanks to everyone who responded to my thread, it has been a blessing.

The best advice i got from Brian was that I have to turn my hands to the plane sooner.

The best advice from the forum was

1. Hit down on irons, hit up on driver
2. From Brian "don't think about your backswing"

I also adjusted my putting stance to open, because it just goes straight for me. I can't put like everyone else with feet level. It always goes to the right. But I think whatever works for you, it's for you. Don't need to be like everyone else.
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Maybe instead of an "I suck at golf" Youtube clip, you can put up a "good at golf" one finally. I thought the "suck" one was pretty funny


Nice going,golf is so much easier when the swing is built and all we have to be concerned is the lie and what shots can we produce out of it so we can score.
Nice going,golf is so much easier when the swing is built and all we have to be concerned is the lie and what shots can we produce out of it so we can score.

I woudl have to say my biggest problem is putting.

I always trying to putt the distance, but that leads to inaccuracy. I think I will just trying to think to dunk the ball in to the hole on the next round


I woudl have to say my biggest problem is putting.

I always trying to putt the distance, but that leads to inaccuracy. I think I will just trying to think to dunk the ball in to the hole on the next round

When you practice you putting are you sure your putts are rolling straight? If your unsure I would suggets the following. Find a flat spot on the practice green with no hole and use the logo on your golf ball or put some marks on two opposite sides of a ball, I use two blue squares, when you put the ball or balls on the grass make sure one of these marks is up so you can see it when you look down and the other mark should be on the bottom. when you putt these marks roll end over end if they dont then your strike was off no square. Start with short putts as short as you can get to get these marks to roll end over end once you got that part down you will see how much easier putting becomes. Especially on braking putts cause really all putts are putted straight and then the slope and speed or lack of speed makes the ball turn realy or late. Try it and lets us know how it works or not.
When you practice you putting are you sure your putts are rolling straight? If your unsure I would suggets the following. Find a flat spot on the practice green with no hole and use the logo on your golf ball or put some marks on two opposite sides of a ball, I use two blue squares, when you put the ball or balls on the grass make sure one of these marks is up so you can see it when you look down and the other mark should be on the bottom. when you putt these marks roll end over end if they dont then your strike was off no square. Start with short putts as short as you can get to get these marks to roll end over end once you got that part down you will see how much easier putting becomes. Especially on braking putts cause really all putts are putted straight and then the slope and speed or lack of speed makes the ball turn realy or late. Try it and lets us know how it works or not.

pretty sure they are straight. Let me just say this, I make more 10 footers + than 4 footers. this is sad

i feel like when it's closer, i slow down my putt and leads to a lot of disaster like pulling. i should just think of it as going passs the hole or something
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Do you use a line to line up your putts? The reason I ask is im right eye dominant and I tried using a line or use the letters on the golf ball to line up my putts and when I line it up from behind the ball it looks right where I want to start the putt. When I get over the putt the line looks like its pointed left of line I want the ball to start on and U pulled some putts or I would make myselt putt it to the right both cause missed putts. I learned a trick to overcome that left looking line. I would close my right eye for a few second, what this does is transfer my eye dominance to my left eye for a few seconds made some putts that way but got tired of it. Now all I do is make sure my putter is square to my ball, have already lined up my ball with the mark on top of the ball, no line, the mark doesnt look left or right it just sits there on top of the ball and I know there is another one directly underneath this mark so all I do is let the top mark to roll over straight and bam more putts made.
Do you use a line to line up your putts? The reason I ask is im right eye dominant and I tried using a line or use the letters on the golf ball to line up my putts and when I line it up from behind the ball it looks right where I want to start the putt. When I get over the putt the line looks like its pointed left of line I want the ball to start on and U pulled some putts or I would make myselt putt it to the right both cause missed putts. I learned a trick to overcome that left looking line. I would close my right eye for a few second, what this does is transfer my eye dominance to my left eye for a few seconds made some putts that way but got tired of it. Now all I do is make sure my putter is square to my ball, have already lined up my ball with the mark on top of the ball, no line, the mark doesnt look left or right it just sits there on top of the ball and I know there is another one directly underneath this mark so all I do is let the top mark to roll over straight and bam more putts made.

i'll try that thanks!
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