Hitting the ball on the toe

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Just started getting out to play for the year and for the most part the results were fantastic. I've been working with Brian's Building Blocks video over the winter months indoors to try to stay sharp and get better. For the most part my ball striking was very solid. The one issue that crept in from time to time with irons and to a slightly lesser degree wedge shots was some toe hits. Drives were all very solid but my poor iron shots were consistently hits well out on the toe or solid shots that had a bit too much hook on them. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Brian Manzella

Just started getting out to play for the year and for the most part the results were fantastic. I've been working with Brian's Building Blocks video over the winter months indoors to try to stay sharp and get better. For the most part my ball striking was very solid. The one issue that crept in from time to time with irons and to a slightly lesser degree wedge shots was some toe hits. Drives were all very solid but my poor iron shots were consistently hits well out on the toe or solid shots that had a bit too much hook on them. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Sounds like your clubs are too flat.
OK, great. I'll go check in with the clubfitter on Monday and get on a lie board and confirm the diagnosis. Thanks as always for the advice.
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