Hogan wrist cock

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Looking at a frame-by-frame sequence of the Hogan downswing, it sure looks like he has his right wrist cocked as opposed to flexed back along the plane of the forearm. Anytime I mention to an instructor that I am interested in modeling Hogan's mechanics, stern warnings abound. In other books on his swing, there is always a "yeah, but be careful" admonition as his swing is broken down. Maybe it just ain't easy to learn the moves of the world's greatest ball-striker.
He probably had a Double Wrist Cock, but this is not usually recommended by Authorized Instructors to students. For some, however, it can work very well. Per 10-18-B... "It is restricted to true Centrifugal Force Swings"...


Use a figure 8 strap, it will help you understand Hogan's moves, and why they worked for him - as with any attempt to copy someones move, start with the grip, it shapes the rest of the motion more than most realize. Good point re: 10-18-B lagster, Hogan's move is a pure 'swing'. A big key - get the left thumb and the right 'thumb pocket' UNDER the shaft, keeping the clubhead 'outside' the hands on the takeaway.
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