Hogan's Secret (article on golfdigest.com)

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Looking at the pics from Brian, i can see the action of his rear knee you describe. But i would also say that everyone has different FEELS, so what he feels may or may not be a feel you or i can use. But if we can develope a FEEL from proper mechanics that will cause or swing to repeat, then thats great!


This guy is a moron - I especially think this of the bit where he says that maintaining the right knee bend means you have to cup the left wrist...
The validity of Mr. Vasquez's claim to know Hogan's secret would be best served with proof that he has applied the secret to his own game with great success.


quote:Originally posted by goodgolf57

The validity of Mr. Vasquez's claim to know Hogan's secret would be best served with proof that he has applied the secret to his own game with great success.

Hence why I have never heard of him before....

Maybe Hogan knew he was a moron and gave him something just to shut him up....


If you look at Redgoats pictures of hogan he does not have a cupped left wrist at the top.

The difference between being balanced at the top is a bent left wrist as opposed to a flat left wrist... I THINK NOT!


Yes, the 'slight' cup does help balance, a subtle bit, but it does - when you are properly shifting into the right hip at the top (feel like you 'sit' on your 'right cheek' at the top)

When you combine that 'right cheek' feel, and 'inside back corner', 'kicking a soccer ball' - you may start to understand why Hogan felt so strongly about the right knee, and the 'inside' muscles. If you keep a stable knee, 'sit' into the hip, and come into the ball from the 'inside' - you will, perhaps for the first time, understand why he stressed the right hand/arm motion - and what 'hitting' in TGM terms, is all about - the feeling of the right arm having the right 'room' and 'approach' to the 'inside back corner' of the ball - the feeling of 'skipping a stone', and why that cup was really beneficial - getting the thumb 'under' the shaft, while still having that 'inside' throw/kick motion THROUGH the ball.

You may also understand more about Mike Austin's views..... ;)


Hogan did have a slight cup in his left wrist on some of his shots. Do you think someone with his acute awareness of what was happening in his swing would not know what was happening? He has said repeatedly that he added a slight cup to open the clubface more, anti-left. As far as balance goes, we do not really know if he said that or not. If he did I imagine he felt it. As far as running his right knee at the ball, if you look at his swing that is exactly what he appears to be doing. Look at the stills on Redgoats gallery if you do not have video of his motion. The right knee appears to be driving throughout causing a substanial lateral move and clearing his right hip allowing his hands to come right down on plane. Try the feel slow motion and you can see and feel where it allows your arms to pass with no interference of the right hip. Just because Jody Vasquez cannot perform the same move that the greatest ball striker of all time could does not discredit the man. To draw that conclusion is ridiculous. I have read his book. He had years of experience first hand of watching the man hit balls and being around him. He may have a little insight. Now we do not know for sure Hogan told him this but I promise you he could not have made all those stories up. If you have not read the book, read it then come to your own conclusions. Afternoons with Mr. Hogan by Jody Vasquez. If you like Hogan you will like the book.


quote:Originally posted by rcw


He has said repeatedly that he added a slight cup to open the clubface more, anti-left.
or preparing for a "horizontal hinge action"?

quote:As far as running his right knee at the ball,......
or part of the body reaction/reflex to move a lagged club on-plane by the hands (hands-controlled pivot)?


Good points.

He also spoke of feeling the clubface open on his waggle. Preparation for a horizontal hinge.

Yes the knee could have been reaction of educated hands moving downplane.


Oh My goodness are you people actually falling for this crap - come on this is the manzella forum not FGI... remember that place - the 'I Slice' and the im 'sliding my hips and hitting it 300+ yards' place...

Come on rise above it....

Ok look, let me just point it out to you, we're talking about balance and a flat or bent right wrist. Its about dynamic or non dynamic, and a flat wrist is in a dynamic place and plugged in for impact - whereas a bend left wrist is just sloppy and double cocks the wrists, so lets see if you can tell me which one is more in balance - if your dynamic balance vote FLAT - if your sloppy balance vote BENT.... lets see... well they're both balanced in their own ways just one is more dynamic than the other....

Your choice....
It is ok to have a cupped left wrist at the top as long as you can bring the left hand to flat at impact. Hogan's left hand,wrist were obviously well trained.



Hence why I have never heard of him before....

Maybe Hogan knew he was a moron and gave him something just to shut him up....



Because you have never heard of him before? Are you kidding? He shagged balls for Hogan for years, Now I am not saying that makes him an authority on the golf swing. But he was around the man for years and from what I understand had a good relationship with him . No offense, but why do you deserve more credibilty? What qualifies you to make these kind of comments?

Brian Manzella

I have posted this a bunch before but here goes again:

Hogan's secret: Going from left thumb under/right arm under at the top to ARCHED left/bent right through impact and winding up left thumb under/LEFT ram under at the finish.

The right leg was a VERY LITTLE piece of a puzzle that was 95% my explanation above.


see page 102

Brian, I wouldn't say it was a 'little' piece at all - it is the key to the stable hub that allows for that thumb to do what it did.

Those two items, are enough for anyone to become quite a decent ball striker

throw in BALANCE and inside corner....

A strap or two....... around the elbows, around the knees...

And there you have it..... ;)
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