Hogan's "secret"

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I believe I know what Hogan's secret was.

He told some that it was in "the dirt" - suggesting something to do with divots. He told others that since his accident, his legs weren't as strong but he couldn't complain because that helped him discover his swing secret - suggesting a quite lower body. He told a good friend of his, Ken Venturi, that nobody would discover his secret because they weren't looking in the right place that it was a mental secret - suggesting a swing thought.

I believe his secret was "psyching" his opponents out who believed he had a secret. Especially in a close tournament and he's hitting shot after shot dead perfect, you start wondering "what is this guy's secret? What's he doing that the rest of us aren't?" As most players know, when you start thinking about somebody else's game, you start to lose your own. I think Bantam Ben would be have a wry smile in his grave if he knew that decades later, people still believed that he had a single big "secret" that only he knew.
I think he was just more dedicated (obsessed) with perfection in all areas than most people.

Same with Moe.


Continuous improvement.
of course, it is hard work and dedication. But that is no big secret. Which is why I say Hogan had no secret.

He psyched his opponents out a lot of times. Most rounds he said "play well" at the beginning and that was it, no nice shot, no thank you, no nothing. He wasn't much of a talker. Thus the famous quote he made "I have games with friends but there are no friendly games." Therefore if people thought he had a secret and he wasn't a talker, it could only work in his advantage.

Brian Manzella

But "THE secret" he sold to TIME magazine was really pretty simple:

Slightly weaker grip, slightly more left forearm rotation going back, move toward arched wrist at impact with "as fast as I could try to close it" left foream through the ball.
In my mind, there is no "Hogan Secret", since I can see exactly what he did by looking at his swing pictures and videos.

Apparently, through trial and error, Hogan found a combination of swing mechanics that worked for him. Once he found the right combination, he worked diligently to make it perfect and automatic. I believe that this is what he meant by "dig it out of the dirt". Even though his swing may not have been ideal or perfect, his swing "recipe" consisted of some very sound mechanical features, as well as a few compensations for some not so good features.
His secret wasn't in the dirt--it was in HIM. It's within US.
Ach, too esoteric...eff that...Max. Trigger Delay, Perfect Plane,
Arched wrist,perfect Rhythm, Max. Pivot participation, AND...he was
a superiorATHLETE. Sorry, Brian, but if the Hawk would have played a little
hoops, he would have been like Iverson. And Alford, don't even think
about telling us how weak he was. He would have knocked you out in
about 10 seconds...me, too, so don't be ashamed.


NO NO NO!!!!!!!

Being from Philly - Hennie wouldnt have been Iverson! He is way too detailed - and he liked to practice. Yes, PRACTICE. I'l talking PRACTICE!!!!!!

How about....Magic? Price? Isiah?

>And Alford, don't even think
about telling us how weak he was. He would have knocked you out in
about 10 seconds...me, too, so don't be ashamed.

I'd only be ashamed if I thought like a loser. I refuse to. You've never met me, and you're assuming a lot...you're also assuming a lot on Hogan's part.
Let me add this. The main issue is not someone else's purported genius whether physical or mental, but overcoming our own stupidity. If we can live up to our own potential, we'll do very well.
quote:Originally posted by Bono

NO NO NO!!!!!!!

Being from Philly - Hennie wouldnt have been Iverson! He is way too detailed - and he liked to practice. Yes, PRACTICE. I'l talking PRACTICE!!!!!!
How about....Magic? Price? Isiah?


too funny, I remember that. "what are we even talking about here?!? we're talking about practice! not a game. practice!!":)


Rob! My man!!!....someone got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Practice. Not a game...practice!

Trust me....Hogan and AI are not the best comparison.

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