Hogan's twist - or laying the club of

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Guys, what is your oppinion on this?
It's like the opposite of the twist away, I think.

[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODCzUcP6GLk[/media]Is it a smart move? Or not? Does it ad power?
Perhaps, depending on who is going to do it?
That is describing the twistaway. He is just describing it happening at the transition because of the cupped left wrist at the top. If you have a straight left wrist at the top, then you need to hold it during the transition to square up the clubface. Pretty decent explanation of how you would have to square the club using Hogan's swing. The laying off has been discussed here a few times. Search the Sergio Garcia tumble thread, lots of good information there about the laying off and the tumble.

I think with the right grip--neutral to slight strong left and a fairly weak right--you can twist as much as you want from the top and still not go too left. This has helped me a lot with clubface control.
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