"Holding back" the upper body

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Recently, after working on Brian's comments in the "without a pivot" thread, I sort of discovered a swing feel for me. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, but it feels like I begin the downswing, but "hold" the upper body and arms back. As I get to the bottom, it just releases due to pressure, stress, force whatever you want to call it. After some twistaway on the downswing, I seem to hit dead straight with more power (maybe 20-30 yards with a driver, 1-2 clubs with an iron) . The only symptom I don't like is my divots. They are very thin or about half the time, there is no divot at all.

Is this a mistake or a move down the right path?
Leek - not an answer for you but this is like the swing thought that is working for me and would like to hear more about it. My thought has been to hold my back and upper body to the target for as long as possible which has me hitting the ball crisper, straighter, and longer. Allows me to also focus better on hitting inside back of the ball. Its what is working this week.
Are either of you starting the downswing with a hip bump? Is your lower body moving at all while you are trying to hold your upper body back?
Had to do a couple of air swings but yep this is definately me. Is this a good or bad thing - the bumping of the hip that is?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Sounds like you've figured out how to create more trigger delay and it's allowing you to hit the ball further. However it also sounds like it has allowed you to swing a bit more right which will shallow out your path and thin out the divots.

Try and do the same thing but more to the left.


Sounds like you've figured out how to create more trigger delay and it's allowing you to hit the ball further. However it also sounds like it has allowed you to swing a bit more right which will shallow out your path and thin out the divots.

Try and do the same thing but more to the left.

Should I couple that with some work on plane? Also, the other thing that comes to mind is a post you made that asked, "Why would you want to hold anything back?" I don't remember the context.
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Are either of you starting the downswing with a hip bump? Is your lower body moving at all while you are trying to hold your upper body back?

I don't know, I don't have video. The sensation is I'm executing a downswing with my body, but the upper body is "constrained". I guess to me this means my lower body and core are rotating and pulling the shoulders, then arms, then finally the club.
Accumulator 4?

Is it that you have learnt to load and release accumulator 4 so that once released the shoulder motion slows abit , the arms take over the speed, then you release 2 ( left wrist cock) and the 3... ie a sequenced release.

By "holding your body back" are you infact blasting the left arm off your chest which is setting up better rease sequence??

Look at the Hogan photos ( stils from a video that Brian modified to show axis tilt) - to me it looks like his right and left shoulders do very little between the pictures but the arms have moved a long way...i am toying with my own accumulator 4 release at moment and i get the feeling that my body is held back once accumulator 4 is released... then the right shoulder movers just enough to keep pp3 lay pressure sensation.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Should I couple that with some work on plane? Also, the other thing that comes to mind is a post you made that asked, "Why would you want to hold anything back?" I don't remember the context.

Yes, work with some lasers and what you'll probably see is that you are swinging a bit far right. What happens is when golfers figure out how to tilt and move the right shoulder properly, the body gets into a position where you can really swing in/out and most people tend to visually see that in their downswing and swing that way.
A couple of things:

1. I can't believe the extra distance with my irons by doing what feels like lagging my forward shoulder turn. One extra club - hitting 9 iron about 150 when normally 135-140.
2. like the Hogan photos - I think my illusion is back to target for long time but I am a long time lunger/spinner so probably just a feeling - wish I could see a photo
3. Jim - when I work on swinging left I hit lots of big hooks - not draws, big hooks so really have to get that ring finger up to hit left and turn hook to draw.

Thanks for all good discussion - this is great for my swing and game.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
If you are swinging left and hitting a straight ball that hooks or a shot that starts left and hooks, you are either off plane or have the clubface too closed at impact.

Brian Manzella

Holding Back, Stopping, or moving?

The shoulders and the rest of the pivot could do any of the above, and it might work for you.



Just a gentle reminder. :D


But HOW? By getting your right shoulder in your left pocket? Isn't this bad for slicers? And I thought most golfers are slicers.

Well, I am not a slicer. Impact feels like a cut, but the ball goes straight. As i said earlier< the divots concern me some and I believe Jim when he says I am too inside out
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