Holy $hit I Can Float Load!!

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I just got done watching Brian's 'Do it Right' video, which is the best golf instruction video I have ever seen, and I can finally float load. I can hardly believe it. Brian, your concepts for employing this move were so crystal clear and simple! There were plenty of other extremely useful ideas in the video, float loading just happens to be the idea that I was most after.

Yes really worked for me too. I was flying the ball past the greens last time out. I will have to adjust my expected distances.
Yes it is. Especially since the time I was out before I seemed really short. :) I think from the video I also did a much better turn from the ball by letting my head rotate. I couldn't believe some of my drives. Yeah! I hope it continues.
Little Brit said:
Yes it is. Especially since the time I was out before I seemed really short. :) I think from the video I also did a much better turn from the ball by letting my head rotate. I couldn't believe some of my drives. Yeah! I hope it continues.

Remembered you last posts. What made the difference?
rchang72 said:
Remembered you last posts. What made the difference?
Well from one of the DVS I saw right arm takeaway, I had switched to that but I think it caused me to not turn away from the ball so well. So I think what Do it right helped me with to gain distance, is to revert back to the shoulder turn takeaway allowing my head to turn with it so I don't reverse pivot. Also I was incorrectly doing the transition, I was float loading but I was slightly coming over the top I think. I have now corrected that by turning at the top then right shoulder down. Somehow it all worked well last time out. Here's hoping I haven't jinxed myself.:) I watched the DVD just before I went out to play and I think some of the things just stuck.
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GolfVn said:
Can anyone please explain what flat load is? Thanks.
You will probably need Brians downloads to really teach you it well. But basically if you swing the club back one way, then change directions, the club keeps going back in the same direction (floating) causing a stronger angle and cocking/bending your wrists.

I am sure that someone else could clarify much better than this newbie though :)
Brian Manzella said:
Chuck Evans once told me:

"I never teach anyone float loading."
Well I am glad I ordered pretty much all of your info. then :) The float loading is giving my swing much more flow, It helps my tempo as you have to wait for it, not to mention distance.


Brian Manzella said:
Chuck Evans once told me:

"I never teach anyone float loading."

Which is different than saying he doesn't like it or want to see it in a good motion.

Not unreasonable to suggest that this is best left to being the result of a proper transition, or that there are other areas to 'teach' which will result in float loading.
EdZ said:
Which is different than saying he doesn't like it or want to see it in a good motion.

Not unreasonable to suggest that this is best left to being the result of a proper transition, or that there are other areas to 'teach' which will result in float loading.
Exactly! That's the secret to teaching float loading...teach it without teaching it...funny huh.
I suppose it depends on who has been teaching you, and how you learn, but I have had trouble with the transition since I started. I think seeing and trying float loading has finally put it together for me. That is presuming I am doing it correctly of course. I have had so much conflicting advice on the transition that it feels really great to finally feel I am doing it right.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
In my short histroy of giving lessons to people, i'd say i have taught all of them some form of float loading and/or lagging clubhead takeaway and it has done WONDERS for their games.

One student picked up 10mph in swing speed in one lesson and the other one is really starting to feel the #3pp and sizzle that ball.

Tom Bartlett

Hey Jim,

Am I remembering this correctly? Lagging clubhead take away didn't work for you in Orlando? Have you been working on it and are you doing it now? Either way how are you hitting it?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Tom Bartlett said:
Hey Jim,

Am I remembering this correctly? Lagging clubhead take away didn't work for you in Orlando? Have you been working on it and are you doing it now? Either way how are you hitting it?

Hey Tom

What happened in Orlando was that i was "over doing" the lagging takeaway and/or float. This got me "under" the sweetspot. However i don't do that anymore and i am hitting the ball great ;)

Right now I am super comfortable with my game and if you or brian saw me swinging you'd be HELLA proud. I fixed my right shoulder going downplane over the winter and i'm able to draw the ball again and because i am "storing" so much better now i myself picked up about 6-7mph of swing speed and in turn i'm hitting the ball much better.

When i get a chance i'm going to try and take some video of me swinging and put it up for all to see. Show them what happens when you take lessons from Brian (and tom :)) over they years.

So basically my pattern is something in the neighborhood of:

double shift using the elbow plane
some form of deep trigger delay (not sure if you'd call it maximum have to wait for the video)
snap release
horizontal hinging 90% of the time unless i want to hit the fade.


If someone is reading this that i know locally (;) ;)) cares to chime in on how well i was hitting the ball last time we were at the range he could be my witness. Hopefully sometime this summer i'd love to come have you or brian see me hit balls again and show you how much the few days in orlando and small changes you two made had such an effect on my swing.

Either of you brining the "road show" near the midwest?
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