Homer's Notes and max delay

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On FGI there is a link to some of Homer's notes that can be found here:


Question re: max trigger delay and a swinger's motion - in the notes Homer mentions that for a swinger, uncocking happens 'before' roll.

Does that mean that anyone with max delay would be considered a hitter by Homer?

This description of a swinger's motion fits well with Mike Austin's view of release (although Austin's hip motion would be considered more of a hitter's approach from what I understand).

Homer's notes are well worth a read... clears up the fog nicely...
Hitting usually employs simulataneous uncocking(#2 accum) and rolling(#3 accum), while swinging is more likely to employ sequencing of the two. Max Delay is the delay of the beginning of the release point and has nothing to do with accum overlap. In fact, a Max Delay player is almost certainly a swinger.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

On FGI there is a link to some of Homer's notes that can be found here:


I was pointed to this thread by a buddy and though I do not post much here, I had to this time. Thanks Brian. This thread and old forum, which this link points to holds a special little place for me. This was the third forum attempt at creating a place for TGM folk to visit. The second forum was actually one that was chocked full of info and had so much info on it that when we lost it, blew up into cyberspace, it was heart wrenching. The owner of the forum and myself would play Q&A to generate responses. Was a great time. One of the members in this thread was Philly who many on forums will notice and recognize. Between the 3 crazy guys, we plowed through Homers work and hours and hours of posting, prodding, and enticing others to join the ride. What a hoot so, a flashback moment. Sorry. HEHEEHE!

quote:Question re: max trigger delay and a swinger's motion - in the notes Homer mentions that for a swinger, uncocking happens 'before' roll.

Homer pays Hogan sort of a compliment on this discovery. Hogan had written about this in a piece and it went overlooked. Though Ben did not know the reason why, he knew and felt it happen. One can see this as they drag the club down plane. If you maintain loose wrists, when the hands proceed to get close to waist high, a fallout begins. It will happen. You can do this quite easily at home with a club and at a very slow pace. Do not manipulate and do not hold the left wrist rigid watch it happen. The clubhead and club will uncock the left wrist and you will see it fall.

As many of you know, Homer wore out the books by Hogan and Nelson though it was the pictures he focused on not their words. these books were by his side as he journeyed all those years researching the golf swing. It was interesting how he handled items that he discovered that did not match with the pictures. Anyway, that is another place and time.


Guys I don't know that this the right place to mention this, but I have sent two emails to The Golf Channel, asking them to consider doing a show or a series of shows on The Golfing Machine. I think it would be very ineresting for many of us to have 3 or 4 GSED's interviewed at length and then answer phone calls or emails. Just wondered what others on this forum think about something like this and what would it take to get it done.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
It wouldn't in my opinion....not enough dollars to give to TGC for them to put them on. Especially when the PGA of America can find out about it and they can call up TGC and say those guys are fools and don't put them on blah blah blah.


I think the optimal way to get "something" going would be to get some pros who have actively used TGM to go on one of the shows and bring their instructor. Such as Steve Elkinton, Bobby Clampett, or many others


Edz, when talking about Austin's pivot, why do you think it fits in more with the hitter's procedure?
Isnt the hip action for a hitter thought to be CROSSLINE? Austin's hip action is more parallel to the line rather than crossline.


Perhaps I don't understand Austin's view, but given the clock references he uses, it seems to me that would be cross line motion, but I know you have studied Austin more than I so I'll take your word for it.... either way, the motion he suggests is very useful ;)
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

It wouldn't in my opinion....not enough dollars to give to TGC for them to put them on. Especially when the PGA of America can find out about it and they can call up TGC and say those guys are fools and don't put them on blah blah blah.


I think the optimal way to get "something" going would be to get some pros who have actively used TGM to go on one of the shows and bring their instructor. Such as Steve Elkinton, Bobby Clampett, or many others

Hmmm. . . I don't know. It seems like more TGM terminology/philosophy is being used (leaked?) in their programs and in mainstream golfing magazine articles than a few years ago. Yes money speaks(or shouts, as Dylan wrote), with Natural Golf being a good example, but any idea, or ideas, that begin to filter into the data bank (in this case TGC), will begin to take a on life of its/their own and demand/require recognition. That's what happens in an economically driven society. Once something is "discovered," i.e., gains a level of noteriety or popularity, the money will be there to promote it, be it good or bad. As for fear that the idea/ideas will threaten the existing status quo or establishment. No problemo! They will simply co-opt it/them and make it/them their own. Just as Gary Wiren did years ago.


Edz, im not saying your wrong. When talking hip action, hitters move crossline, swingers parallel to the line, im am taking this to mean the laterial move, the shift of the weight BEFORE the rotation.
Help me out here if i am interpeting TGM wrong.

Brian Manzella


#1 The Golfing Machine on The Golf Channel

A waste of time. The 'network' has an agenda and TGM isn't part of it. BTW, I have a VERY important opportunity that I can not comment on yet and it could give ME plenty of access to the public.

The following is a common message of mine that I would like to repeat:

The answer to access is this....People take lessons/advice from a person. H&R Block isa a company---and they do a nice business---but serious people go to top accountants...or top accounting firms who are headed by really top accountants. Like the David Leadbetter Academy.
Without David, those guys under him would be folding sweaters.

The Golfing Machine has nearly ALL the answers in its content. BUT! So does the Bible and it is always in great need of Billy Graham-type preachers to 'convert' the message to the masses to 'convert' the masses. ;)

I have always thought that this is my REAL job. I have been trying EVERY DAY for 22 years to get the mike. TGM's best hope is for all who know that the answers are 'in it' to try to INDIVIDUALLY obtain the microphone.

One of us will for sure.

#2 Can someone post some Pics of Mike Austin's swing?


quote:Originally posted by brianman
Can someone post some Pics of Mike Austin's swing?

Can't post the pics Brian but if you click HERE and then on the side bar entitled MIKE AUSTIN you will get a Quick Time clip of him and Mike Dunaway, his sidekick.
Brian, I would be very interested in your comments on the short clip on the Austin site concerning the 'Secret Release'. Looks like severe right wrist breakdown to me, but maybe I am missing the point.

Dude wrote:

<Homer pays Hogan sort of a compliment on this discovery. Hogan had written about this in a piece and it went overlooked.>

OK, I'll bite. What "piece"?

David A.
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