Horton, Please describe YOUR method/teaching

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I think we have a problem in semantic here with the terms "loading" and "levering" of the golf shaft in the context of TGM.

We know that the golf shaft cannot be further manually loaded through Impact because the clubhead and shaft tip act independently of the remainder of the shaft.

However, and unfortunately, I percieve that Homer and his TGM disciples believe that the club shaft can be levered through Impact with Thrust and various spurious forces conceived by Homer. They think that you can lever the club handle and thus affect the shaft and clubhead through Impact by using hand manipulations to sustain things like LOC. Science has marched by TGM.

The fallacy of the TGM shaft leverage / loading concept is equivalent to attempting to add spin to a bicycle tire by pushing the spokes next to the axle. At least that's my take on it ... dy / dx ....


Based on this, could you please explain what methods/techiques that you would teach in order for a student to hit quality golf shots?

Is this a typical result?


Could you please be kind enough to give us an idea of what you would teach or your method?


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