How did Trevino know?

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I love the Trevino photo thats like Brians logo but do you suppose he knew what he was doing? I mean do you think he tried to "hit the box"? Since thats Brians term I'm sure he thought of it a different way but do you think he worked on it or was it a byproduct of something else?
Intuition? I dunno.

"If I do this I hit it way better".....?

I don't know how it came about....but if anyone would I think Brian would....he seems to be a big Trevino fan.
I read a drill that Lee used to do when he was first learning to play, he figured that the longer he could keep the club going towards the target after impact, the straighter the shot would be, so he would put 2 tees in the ground in a line in front of the ball and then try to hit the tees after impact with the ball. That was his thinking and I am sure that that is part of the reason for his bad back.


shortgamer said:
I love the Trevino photo thats like Brians logo but do you suppose he knew what he was doing? I mean do you think he tried to "hit the box"? Since thats Brians term I'm sure he thought of it a different way but do you think he worked on it or was it a byproduct of something else?
Definitely the latter, which I guess is trying to "stress the shaft even further during impact".
I seem to remember that Lee wrote in his book that he developed his swing after going along to watch Hogan practice. What he said was that he noticed that the more Hogan led with his hips the more he faded the ball.
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