How do I stop casting?

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Most people cast for the following reasons:

1) To square up the face
2) to avoid hitting it fat
3) because they have due to lack of axis tilt

Many more but those are my top 3

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
But to stop it you have to learn to use the ground in the transition to stress the shaft and get more wrist set in the downswing. Watch Brians you tube episode, i believe, 3??
how do I stop casting?

Take away the need to. You are probably casting because it's the only way you can square the face as a few of the guys have said. Maintain your flying wedges and keep the sweet spot on the plane or even less rotation if you can (no more than 90 degrees of rotation - from address to the top)). The ball should then go left - then you can start to get rewarded for using the correct downswing sequence - lower half firing (turning if you like) before upper half (basic description) without the ball going way right.

That's a good start :)
just a thought....

a cast is only a cast if your lower body (trunk) stops turning (or slows prematurely...then you end up OTT
As long as you keep your belly button way ahead of your arms/shoulders on the downswing then the cast becomes the release.....

A though pattern I used to use to stop this was to feel the clubshaft was brushing my neck on the early downswing...there is no way you can release those wrists early with that fact you'll find you end up blocking the ball to the right....
if you cast to avoid hitting it fat...
how would you go about fixing that?
just keep hitting it fat until you get your swing bottom more forward?


how do I stop casting?

By keeping the butt end of your club pointing at the ball for as long as possible in your down swing.

Don't confuse "casting", uncocking of the wrist at the top of the down swing, with flipping, uncocking of the left and straightening of the right wrists immediately before impact in an attempt to add extra force, - which is what some of the previous respondents seem to have done.
just a thought....

a cast is only a cast if your lower body (trunk) stops turning (or slows prematurely...then you end up OTT
As long as you keep your belly button way ahead of your arms/shoulders on the downswing then the cast becomes the release.....

A though pattern I used to use to stop this was to feel the clubshaft was brushing my neck on the early downswing...there is no way you can release those wrists early with that fact you'll find you end up blocking the ball to the right....

Excellent Puttmad! Would the cast be the result of "overtaking" since the pivot is not carrying the power package down plane far enough because it is stopping too soon causing the club head to pass the hands too early? I did a 3-D analysis once and had tons of lag to start the downswing, but since my pivot did not continue turning far enough left my angle between my left arm and shaft opened too early causing a power leak. It is a tricky thing to diagnose!
Excellent Puttmad! Would the cast be the result of "overtaking" since the pivot is not carrying the power package down plane far enough because it is stopping too soon causing the club head to pass the hands too early? I did a 3-D analysis once and had tons of lag to start the downswing, but since my pivot did not continue turning far enough left my angle between my left arm and shaft opened too early causing a power leak. It is a tricky thing to diagnose!

You seem to know your problem quite well John...which means you are half way there to curing it....

I would forget the hands in this instance, focus on kicking your right hip around at the same time you extend your left leg. The left leg must extend a tad to prevent your lower torso and hips moving towards the ball...
Think of the walking action, simply walk onto your left leg, while kicking (with a bent right knee) your right hip around....
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