How do you get the most out of a plane board?

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I would like some advice on how to derive the most benefit out of using a plane board? Thanks.


I use a plane board periodically. I dont like to use a club with it, it just doesnt have the same feel coming down the board. Instead, I use a cut down stiff bristle broom and it works perfectly for me. I take it back and through. Over and over. Then I hit balls, then go back and do it some more.

The other thing I do sometimes I step into the planeboard a few inches with a club so the club is actually a few inches outside the plane and take 3/4 swings, full swings but I choke up so I dont hit the ground. Oh yeah, my board is full size and made of pvc, not wood. Wood is too heavy to move around, etc.

I seem to recall that Brian has a golf towel or towel plane board he uses, maybe he will share that with us?
You can buy a manual on how to make a PLane Board out of wood HERE.

Remember that planes are best for references.

The clubhead path actually moves on several different planes...per SLAP...(if you don't understand this, just ignore it :))

Brian Manzella

Plane stick is made like JUNK.

I invented a covered foam plane board a few years ago that I sold just to teachers while I was testing it.

I use mine EVERY DAY.

It will be on the market soon....maybe on here first!
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