Okay, I've heard enough ... and here's the devious reason I asked this question.
Did you know that the greatest stress on your spine is sitting, and when you sit in a bouncing, lurching golf cart it gets even worse! This stress accumulates over a round of golf and your body fatigues so that your golfswing alters ... and you may not even be cognizant of what is happening!!!
If you carry your clubs, the double cross-straps will distribute the load across your shoulders. A single strap will overload one side of your spine.
Pulling a cart, like I used to do, also overstresses one side of your body ... but a push cart is much much better.
If you have a caddie or even a remote control electric club cart, that removes all extra stress on your body, leaving you only to walk, swing and pick up your ball from the hole..!!!
When I played with a caddying friend, my game improved by 5 strokes in one outing and put me into elite golfer status!!! Not only was the body stress removed, my caddy's advice and support was tremendous!!! I have caddied for my friend and his game improved too.
How much better do you think your game would improve if you only had to freely walk the course with a friendly, competent caddy ...??!!!