How do you traverse the golf course..???

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What's your preferred mode of transportation on the golf course???

- Walking and carrying your bag

- Walking and pulling a cart

- Walking and pushing a cart

- Walking with a caddie

- Riding a cart

- Conveyor belt (Japan only)
A conveyor belt would be fun... but we don't have any of those. I like to walk and carry my bag or walk with a caddie if I have time. If not then it's cart time.
I usually ride, although I need to walk more.

Often I'm too busy to play 4 hour rounds or I just don't want to play 4 hour rounds because if I can play in 2.5 or 3 hours, I can spend more time on the range afterward.

Plus, I've had shoulder and neck issues since I was 20 years old, so carrying isn't fun and those pull carts just look too dorky for me :)

Here in Ireland you are only permitted to ride a buggy if you have a cert from your doctor for handicap counting competitions.
I only get to play on Saturday mornings with my Dad, and unfortunatly we are forced to ride. I would much prefer to walk and pull a cart. Like Ringer, I have some back issues, so carrying my bag doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to.

When I first started playing 15 years ago, my group would play early Saturday and we would all pull our carts. It wasn't uncommon for us to play a round in 3 hrs and 15 min. We are all better golfers than we used to be and we are now forced to ride and now we can't make it around in less than 4 hours.

I understand that courses are trying to increase their profits and speed up play, but I just don't think it's working. I should be allowed to walk if I want.


Okay, I've heard enough ... and here's the devious reason I asked this question.

Did you know that the greatest stress on your spine is sitting, and when you sit in a bouncing, lurching golf cart it gets even worse! This stress accumulates over a round of golf and your body fatigues so that your golfswing alters ... and you may not even be cognizant of what is happening!!!

If you carry your clubs, the double cross-straps will distribute the load across your shoulders. A single strap will overload one side of your spine.

Pulling a cart, like I used to do, also overstresses one side of your body ... but a push cart is much much better.

If you have a caddie or even a remote control electric club cart, that removes all extra stress on your body, leaving you only to walk, swing and pick up your ball from the hole..!!!

When I played with a caddying friend, my game improved by 5 strokes in one outing and put me into elite golfer status!!! Not only was the body stress removed, my caddy's advice and support was tremendous!!! I have caddied for my friend and his game improved too.

How much better do you think your game would improve if you only had to freely walk the course with a friendly, competent caddy ...??!!!
Ride mostly, perks of working at a golf course. I am my best caddie and worst friend lol. I got all the greens 90 % breakmastered, no stress of not knowing if I read it right or not.


Ride mostly, perks of working at a golf course. I am my best caddie and worst friend lol. I got all the greens 90 % breakmastered, no stress of not knowing if I read it right or not.

Great life, but can you break 100 when playing on other courses???

Took a friend, who has a single digit handicap on his ritzy private course, to a murderous muni course and he had trouble breaking 100 ... and the course was in immaculate condition too. Lots of guys sport low handicaps and only golf on one course, but when they go on foreign courses, their game collapses ... and I made lots of $$$$ from my sucker friend too ... but he's rich so he could take my trash talk with humility.

Oh, and I made him walk the course too ... all 7200 yards ... LOL
I walk and use a Sun Mountain push cart. I used to carry, but stopped carrying the bag after I had adhesive capsulitis in the left shoulder and strained rotator cuff in the right shoulder.
Walk and carry - but then I'm scottish.

I have succumbed to one of those new-fangled dual strap thingies - but still not convinced of its benefits.

When people say "push cart" do they mean a cart that you actually push? Or rather an electric cart that needs neither a push nor a pull to get round the course under its own steam?


Ditto on the Sun Mountain push cart. But usually I run with mine. I am looking into a new push cart from Santa.
lol Steve T I got some game (can you win money off your pro....), no offense by the way......The eye opening expereice is reviewing Aimpoint, Rickie3Jacks and David Orr sites(who all recommend some sort of measurement tool) regarding the short game/putting. How do you know what is percentage breaks are when you havent seen it phyically?


@ suns11111

I was kidding too ... and just wanted to get a rise out of you ...;)

Many club players just refine their game on their home course and can't play worth a damn on any other course!!!
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