how does a teacher like jim flick.....

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get away with saying that by getting your hands in front of the ball at impact makes everyone slice it can a world class (or so called world class) instructor get away with these thoughts....


ummm... maybe because for most golfers who don't have a square face at most, if any, points in the swing, gettting the hands ahead = bad/worse slice?

Flick's view isn't completely wrong, it's just not complete, or put into the proper perspective (i.e., he doesn't explain the open face is the big problem) He does talk about forearm rotation, just not enough about the back of the left hand.

He's talking to the 'average' player, and for them, that view is usually true


yep... I don't think Flick is very effective, but he knows more than you give him credit for. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go to him, ever.
Flick has a GREAT TEMPERANCE for teaching golf.

His TONE and ATTITUDE when teaching is excellent! His GENUINE DESIRE to help is excellent!

BUT...BUT, he DOESN'T have the right information...and that is the most important.
No bud, that's not what I mean. Stop trying to pick a fight like an a**. I mean he talks about swinging within yourself, feeling what the club does through the HANDS, keeping relaxed, and the thing that has helped me the most is from Flick...not getting angry at yourself. I think YOUR stock just went down.
I am not talking anything about mechanics or having a productive swing. I am talking about staying calm, smooth, and balance. And 2 things. Number 1, I'm not angy. Number 2, if I was angry, this isn't a golf course.

Also, staying in rhythym and balance will improve anyones swing regardeless of how unproductive it is. Remember the three other things from Mr. Kelley

1. A stationary head

I think you score a bogey on understanding the three basic essentials which Flick DOES address. You attack me like I love Flick. I don't and I disagree with a lot of his mechanics, but every instructor has good points and Flick has more good points than most.
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