How many GSED's are there in the world?

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Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
The real question should be : How many real GSED's are there in the world? I know that the official number is 33, but many of those would not pass Ben's test in the sand trap!

Tom Bartlett

I still want to know how many GSEDs were there 2 months ago and why did that number go down?[:0]

Is that the way HK would have wanted it?[V]

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Tom you are spot on however it is their own fault, Homer would have wanted them to pay their dues of only $150USD per year. It was an honor for me to pay mine last time. All AI's should pay up and support TGM LLC or shut up!

As I said in one of my other posts. Lets take all AI's current qualifacations off them and regrade everyone at Quail Lodge in the sand trap. Then Tom I think you will go from GSEB and bypass GSEM straight to GSED and many others will be downgraded to AI amatuer(even some of the current GSED's.
Isn't it true that some GSEDs were more or less honorary, rather than earned - like Holder of Okla St and Clampett? I also heard that Elkington can't pass Ben's tire test.

Brian Manzella

I can understand why someone would want to 'go out on their own.' It IS a free country. I have no problem with anyone's choices.

I wish everyone would WANT to be an AI, and that goes for every pro.

The TGMers who are still 'in the fold' need to make being an AI something important enough for everyone to want to be one, whether they used to be or not.

The way I look at it, it's ALL of our debt to Homer.

Just go out and TEACH better, AND market better, and the world will want 'IN.'
Brian - Lies and illusions have always trumped truth and reality in this world in general and in the golf world in particular. What makes you think that human nature is going to do a 180?
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