How to cure a double cock

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OK, for some time, I've been a pretty handsy player. I'm trying to develop a motion that is more pivot driven, in an effort to develop a more consistent clubface at impact, and quiet the hands.

I'm trying to work on maintaining a flat left wrist all the way through the swing, but lose it coming down, and actually double cock.

What do you guys recommend as a good way to train a flat left wrist throughout the swing, I was thinking about something like a tongue dispenser under my watch band.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sure, when I start the downswing, and pull down with the left arm, my left wrist actually bends into a cupped position.

I've used twistaway before, but I struggle with how much to twistaway and sometimes overdo it thereby shutting the face down.

My goal is to try to keep the face as square as possible throught the swing, with as little manipulation as possible

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Wow, I'm not 100% sure but I dont think its possible or advisable to keep it flat throughout the entire swing. Who does this?


I was thinking the same thing as KS which is why I asked him to describe it. Is there a specific problem you feel this is causing?
Ok, Maybe, I'm wrong, but I thought with a Manzella Neutral Grip that typically your left wrist would be relatively flat at the top of the swing, at impact, and at finish.

I thought you wanted to try to avoid either a stong bow or bend in the left wrist at any point in the swing.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Ok, Maybe, I'm wrong, but I thought with a Manzella Neutral Grip that typically your left wrist would be relatively flat at the top of the swing, at impact, and at finish.

I thought you wanted to try to avoid either a stong bow or bend in the left wrist at any point in the swing.

Most good players bend their left wrist very shortly after impact. The NSA pattern makes and effort to keep theleft wrist neutral flat throughout but is probably only advisable for really chronic slicers to learn a full roll.

I'll take a shot at this. I use to do the same, but now have as flat as flat can be.

Like many on here, I tinker with my swing, so still occasionally try to generate more lag coming down. I'll bend the left at the transition, which opens the face and the results going right are not pretty. That move also reaffirms why I shouldn't do it.

I tried twist away and it works, but better for me was a prop. From the hardware store I got a steel tie, about an inch wide and six inches long. Sewed it into some material like a glove and wore it at the range and a couple of times on the course when it didn't matter.

That thing taught me what flat was. I no longer have the problem.
I think your affliction is a superior speed imperative.

If you can learn to release that double-cock at the right point coming down
By keeping the arms soft enough to be able to consciously, and quickly, roll the back of the left hand towards the ground, with that initiated roll being your last conscious manipulation, the tremendous centrifugal speed generated will move the blade down, through, and back to your left shoulder before you have time to screw it up. :) Anything else you do should be a function of positioning so the ball is in the way of that.
Hey guys, exactly the type of feedback I'm looking for. JonWil, I've actually tried unbending into impact, but with limited success, there is plenty of speed, but sometimes I push and sometimes I over shut the face and hook.

I'm trying to be able to get a Michael Finney like thought, where he just pivots and hangs on with no thought of what the hands and wrists are doing.

In order to do it though, I need to be able to maintain that flat wrist from the top of the swing through impact, If it bends slightly after impact, I'm ok with that.
Tball88... how are coming along with your double-cocked left wrist?

I too have struggled with this same issue for years...
wow, this post takes me a back a while, Joe, what has probably cured this more than anything for me have been Brian's ideas about the release. I don't "pull or tug" nearly as much as I use to. Trying to release from the top has helped my consistency quite a bit.
not really, I'm pretty flat at the problem, the real issue was I would pivot hard and pull with the left hand which would then get the left wrist to cup and get me in a bad spot coming into impact.

By slowing down the pivot and releasing from the top, I'm avoiding cupping the wrist on the downswing.
Ahh... I get it know, thanks. :)

BTW... what swing thoughts/keys do you use for the Manzella/Jacobs "coupling point/well-timed" release?
best swing thought for me is the idea of pushing the club away from my head and away from the target from the top. Handle dragging is a bad thing for me..
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