How to evaluate grip on video

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In general, what are some good things to look for on video to determine the degree to which my grip is too strong (who knows--maybe I shift my hands to a more comfortable position the split second before I pull the trigger).

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I use the Golf Pride Grip Rite Swing Rite aid on my six iron and get my fingers and thumbs into what I think are good positions. But then when I look on video at the angle of the clubface at the top, I don't see a whole lot of difference.

If I actually do make my grip more reasonably-neutral, I'm wondering what the video would look like (with a five or six iron).
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It's been a while since I watched NSA. But, I'm pretty sure he takes his grip in the left hand, then holds his arm out in front of him with a flat left and shows the clubface is parallel to his left forearm. That is a neutral grip and the club face will match up with the left forearm at the top when there is a flat left wrist.

You have been gripping the club real strong for a while and been refining the resulting swing pattern to where you are now. It will feel awkward to grip it neutral, it will feel awkward swinging with a neutral grip, and it will feel awkward getting the left elbow pointing down into the follow through. It took me a good year and a half to get comfortable hitting a ball using most of this information.
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