How to hit er HIGH

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How? (without Throwaway)


High w/o Throwaway.....I'm thinking...lots of Axis Tilt.....

So...I'm thinkin:

Ball forward + Setup w/ wider stance (head/l. shoulder goes back).... + try for Axis Tilt.....

+ earlier Release? (or do you even need to? I'm not so sure)


With pitches u can open the face....(I even do it sometimes with fairly long wedge shots...) but not so much with a 7 iron that u want to hit HIGH.

I'm not a low ball hitter.....but I'm talkin about when u want to hit a sucker HIGH.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Stay on your back foot more and position the ball closer to low point this will creat more tilt and a higher flight. Try for a "reverse C" tpye of finish almost.

Or as brian would say, put yourself in front of a big tall tree and practice until you can get them over and you've figured it out ;)


Brian posted this to a question I had a long time ago about how to manuever the ball:
"Work the ball"
(all with normal neutral grip)

high fade/slice: use swinging
open stance...ball delivery path...extra tilt...release wrist but limit roll

high draw/hook: use swinging
closed stance...normal ball position...closed face...loop inside normal downstroke...full roll with some throwaway

low fade/slice: use hitting
open stance...normal ball position...closer to the ball...head forward at head movement on the backswing...float loading...arched right wrist...reverse roll

low draw/hook: use hitting
closed stance...normal ball position...closer to the ball...head forward at head movement on the backswing...lots of right arm...arched right wrist...super-extra roll and svivel
Interestig bcoack, but what if someone only knows how to hit or vice versa? Would like to see two answers. How to work the ball if you're a hitter and how to work the ball if you're a swinger. Anyone?
bcoak said:
Brian posted this to a question I had a long time ago about how to manuever the ball:
"Work the ball"
(all with normal neutral grip)

high fade/slice: use swinging
open stance...ball delivery path...extra tilt...release wrist but limit roll

high draw/hook: use swinging
closed stance...normal ball position...closed face...loop inside normal downstroke...full roll with some throwaway

low fade/slice: use hitting
open stance...normal ball position...closer to the ball...head forward at head movement on the backswing...float loading...arched right wrist...reverse roll

low draw/hook: use hitting
closed stance...normal ball position...closer to the ball...head forward at head movement on the backswing...lots of right arm...arched right wrist...super-extra roll and svivel

Look at the last two...

Should be arched left wrist.
As a sidenote... I finally learned how to fade the ball today, and I can alternate between drawing/ fading/ pulling/ low or high.

I have the power of Snead.
Use a longer tee more to the left and leave more weight on your right foot. You may want to try one or two of these and not all at the same time.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
rundmc said:
Naw dawg . . . works for Freddie. It can work for you too.

Wrong! I can't believe i actually looked it up but i knew i was right about this:


"A Cut Shot" is any stroke using VERTICAL HINGING through impact regardless of plane line or preceding wrist action....

Sorry but you've been cooked or should i say fried ;)


jim_0068 said:
Wrong! I can't believe i actually looked it up but i knew i was right about this:


"A Cut Shot" is any stroke using VERTICAL HINGING through impact regardless of plane line or preceding wrist action....

Sorry but you've been cooked or should i say fried ;)

I don't know . . . . works for me. Plus D.O. told me to do it. So maybe it's some doo doo from the darkside. Whatever it is . . . ball go high.
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