How to keep "post" intact?

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Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
I've had numerous people tell me, and I've also seen on film, how I move towards the ball at impact. My heels are off the ground at impact. I've tried a few things to remedy me leaning forward, but none of them seem to work for me. Brian and other "gurus," what swing thoughts can you give me to help or what drills can I work on. Is this possibly a way my body has found to increase lag? I've tried the "sit down" method of trying to sit down at impact. I've been told to get the power by pushing my feet into the ground. Nothing has clicked. Any suggestions?


Practice half swings with a club standing/resting against your tailbone and don't let it fall. Checking that you are in complete balance at setup.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

Practice half swings with a club standing/resting against your tailbone and don't let it fall. Checking that you are in complete balance at setup.
The consequence of failing in this endeavour brings a tear to my eye.[:p][:I][:0]


I have noticed that players with a tilted shoulder turn instead of a flattish one tend to get on their toes in the downswing. So check this aspect of your swing. Also if you turn the hips before you bump parallel left you will get over your toes . Put a chair behind you so that your right butt cheak touches the chair when you are at the top . Make sure it is still in contact with the chair for 2" or so when you bump left then turn the hips. You can do pivot drills doing this but you can also hit balls with this method. I hope this is of help.
I second Hue's advise.. something I work on as well. Ir you have a counter or something straight hip high you can practice with, all the better...
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