How would you get this golfer's backswing on plane?

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Disclaimer: "this golfer" is me :(


The opening frame of the video (before you play it) clearly shows at least one problem.
Brian did a photo shop mod on I think a Pro swing about a week ago. Same mod would apply here. If you reached into this frame and pulled the clubhead horizontally from left to right until the shaft was parallel to the target line and over the balls of your feet you would have eliminated one problem.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
it isn't bad, just doesn't have any "up" which keeps you too flat well, everywhere.

You are going to have to learn to LIFT the club UP to the top of the backswing. Good way to start this? Make backswings with a wall BEHIND you. Don't let the club hit the wall. I'd do it in the garage for a while ;)


Heavens no. I am trying to transition into a rotary swing from 15 years worth of trial-and-error hodge-podge. That pop-out, suck-it-inside takeaway has been a constant, unfortunately.

Struggled with this as times myself - you are rolling your wrists in the takeaway. I fixed this by making sure i maintain the address angle between the shaft and my wrists in the takeaway. It will take a while to get used to though as it will make you feel you are taking the club up vertical.

hope that helps

Mid-body hands at address would help, I get in the same position when my hands at address are too far forward. Try Brian's anti-laid off drill, if you search it, the thread should come up.
it isn't bad, just doesn't have any "up" which keeps you too flat well, everywhere.

You are going to have to learn to LIFT the club UP to the top of the backswing. Good way to start this? Make backswings with a wall BEHIND you. Don't let the club hit the wall. I'd do it in the garage for a while ;)

Thanks Jim. I'll give this a whirl.


too much lean

A shaft leaning that far forward at address is promoting an inside takeaway.
I would start with a much more vertical shaft at address and have you drag the clubhead (LCT)...

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Please understand his takeaway isn't that bad IF he would lift it to the top; but he doesn't. He just keeps going around his body.
Youtube Episode 3

Brian talks here about getting the arms up starting around the 3:15 mark. Might want to look at this too.

IMO, I really do not like your lower body action. Knees are practically not flexed on the downswing so your more likely to throw the clubhead away and not use any of the ground to push off of and to better power the pivot. I also think you could benefit from getting your right elbow in the pitch elbow position rather than your punch elbow position. Other than that, I like most of the swing. I would work on those 2 things first then work on your release 'low and left.'

An update:


Thoughts/feels I focused on here were keeping my hands inside the clubhead, and "stomping" my right foot into the ground to initiate a connected takeaway. I'm not there yet, but this is closer than I've been in 10 years.
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
it seems better but you are still over rotating your left arm going back. You need to keep the face less open than you are now and the whole club/arms will go "up" much easier. The more you open that face in the backswing via left arm rotation the more it will go around your body.


Right arm/right shoulder higher in the back swing to get the club plane ascending more quickly!

Right arm/right shoulder higher will result in a steeper shoulder turn that will marginally steepen the shaft but it's still possible to over rotate the left forearm too much,too early and you will still have the shaft too flat.

Lifting the arms like another poster suggested won't steepen the club appreciably either as Ray Floyd so eloquently demonstrates.

The true fundamental way to flatten(lay off) or steepen the club is with lead forearm rotation.

The OP needs to delay lead forearm clockwise rotation by keeping the back of the left wrist "looking at" the ball longer while keeping the clubhead in front of the hands to get the club steeper on the takeaway.
I feel your pain...

I suffer from many of the same problems, so I'm interested in this thread.
I just filmed my swing for the first time in months and was apalled at what I saw. I have the same early over-rotation of the left arm, but mine is accompanied by a lift to the top with clubhead pointed to right field and right arm chicken winged. Uggg...

I know Michael Jacobs has a good drill for getting the feel of keeping the clubhead outside the hands on the takeaway: using a rake from the bunker as a club, point the teeth of the rake at the ball and keep them facing the ball as you begin your takeaway using your core.

Looks like I need this drill too.
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