Howard's Golf Journey begins

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I am doing this to keep track of how I am doing in my journey to break 100..then 90

My handicap is 34.....i am 67 years old..6'3 245............have lost 35 pounds in last 2 months

I am a decent athlete, but i was never properly taught the game of golf

I know i can do this....I believe in me.....i am looking forward to my lesson with Brian

In the meantime I know some people who can give me good advice....Humbly..." i know good from bad"

Aaron Zick has become a friend of mine...I message him time to time to say hello...he is ultra busy

so i dont do it very here we begin..........

my question to Aaron....i am a bit barrel chested and have trouble taking the club back..can you help??

[6:41:08 PM] aaron zick: Hi Howard. Try this experiment: get into your normal setup position with a club in your hands, then stand up straight without moving your arms relative to your shoulders (your hands and clubs should come up with your shoulders). Now, without turning your shoulders, lift your arms and cock your wrists so the club is horizontal and pointing straight back over your right shoulder. That's essentially the motion that your arms and hands should do during your backswing. If you can do that without your chest hindering your left arm, then you shouldn't have a problem. Just bend over again and add a shoulder turn to the arm-lifting motion and you should find yourself in a good top-of-backswing position. Good luck.

and so the Journey begins.......this is not to prove anything...this site has given me the impetus to play....It has given me the desire to succeed... this is the time for me to do it....

from time to time.....I will keep the site..advised)

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Post up a pre-Brian lesson swing. Then after your lesson, have a post-Brian lesson swing so we can follow along with your progress.
hi spk

I wont see Brian until late spring...........right now i am going to do things slowly

posting a swing is meaningless now............when i do know Brians lesson...i will post swing

1 month before............that will be more accurate

aj's poppa
[6:41:08 PM] aaron zick: Hi Howard. Try this experiment: get into your normal setup position with a club in your hands, then stand up straight without moving your arms relative to your shoulders (your hands and clubs should come up with your shoulders). Now, without turning your shoulders, lift your arms and cock your wrists so the club is horizontal and pointing straight back over your right shoulder. That's essentially the motion that your arms and hands should do during your backswing. If you can do that without your chest hindering your left arm, then you shouldn't have a problem. Just bend over again and add a shoulder turn to the arm-lifting motion and you should find yourself in a good top-of-backswing position. Good luck.

and so the Journey begins.......this is not to prove anything...this site has given me the impetus to play....It has given me the desire to succeed... this is the time for me to do it....

from time to time.....I will keep the site..advised)


Sounds exactly like what Manuel de la Torre says to do.
Makeovers can be fun for the viewer... but how much fun can we have if we don't see the "before" ?

BTW, congrats on the weight loss... 1....I have my plan

ok....I am a bit nervous now that the beginning is here...cold here for sarasota

going to the golf course today to use the range....not going to hit any balls

today i am going to work on 2 things.....1- aarons advice.....2- brians pivot

i read the article from brian about the pivot and my only thought today is to

get the "spine behind the torso"........if i do that i feel the weight shift will be ok

i read the pivot article 4 or 5 times yesterday.....gosh....each time i read it i learn

something i need to concentrate on only 1 part.....S.B.T.=spine behind torso
Day 1.......on a 1-10?? i give it a 4

took my clubs, went to the a cart...balls (nope did not hit)...

1- 15 min............nothing but aaron zick's move....i was having trouble.... kept bending left arm....put a

ball down setup and did the exercise......didn't do well

2- 10 min....walked the range just thinking and visualizing what i wanted to do

3- 10 min.......did exercise again..concentrating on arms over shoulder.....frustrated at left arm

4- 5 min..... sat in cart few sips of diet coke

5- 15 min.....Brians pivot......spine behind torso....good..yes club but pivot from setup

i remembered that in a video Brian did from mj course.....he said...YOU don't stay down the whole time

so i didn't lift up....but..(hard to explain) kinda makes sense to me....

problem i was having was i was trying to feel as soon as i got over to the right....HOWARD FALL BACK

wasn't feeling that...i was to far B says if u can balance its not right and i could balance...but the SPINE BEHIND TORSO..WORKS...well it does 4 me

1 thing i left out about fall back....i wanted to feel like a basketball player shooting a free throw

again..maybe not explained right......but i know the feel i want....go down and push off legs yes that's it.....couldn't get it

i was a bit tired....mentally more then physically...but i wanted to leave a good note....and i did

the note was....i completed day 1....and i am on my way.......
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Tip on the fall back (very old tip) - Put a golf ball or a something like a piece of wood under
the outside of your back foot. In other words, wedge your back foot so you can't balance on it.
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