Lagging the hosel IS the main problem with shanks. Of course there are things that make it easier or more difficult to lag the hosel, and that list is very long.
******Waiting for the "weight to far forward" crowd to chime in*******
OK. I think I was lagging the hozzle. I hit about 50 range balls with my driver, trying to fix a slice. Then I tried a swings with my 7i and kept hitting the hozzle. will try again today.
Watch your footwork, I start hitting the dreaded hozzle rocket when I shift the weight from my heels to my toes on the downswing. Overswinging can cause this, keep that weight on your heels.
Lag the hosel all you want. If the shaft is on plane you can't shank it.
I'm guessing due to the way the club is designed you still feel the sweetspot but now it's tucked behind the........
Please explain how you can shank if the shaft is on plane. The base of the planeline is inside the ball, no? I would think you could shank if you never rotated the sweetspot at all, provided you did something to move the shaft to the sweetspot plane. Darren Clarke's clubface is coming through pretty square on his shank.
The planeline goes through the middle of the ball.