Hypothetical question

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Assume there is a 35 year old man. He has played golf since he was 23, but he only gets to play once or twice per month. He gets to hit balls 3 times per month. He played basketball in high school, so he is resonably athletic, but nothing special.

He is just your average golfer. He usually shoots in the mid 90's. His lowest score is a 87. He hits a big slice and usually carries the ball 220-230 yards. He is a decent putter and a horrible chipper.

Assume he just won the lottery and retired. He moved to a golf course and had unlimited range balls and play. Assume he hires a personal golf instructor who is actually a GOOD instructor. The golf instructor works with him for 5 hours a day on his game and then plays 18 holes with him every day after they practice. At night, sometimes they go out to a hole and work on chipping, pitching, and putting.

How long, if ever, do you think it would take to get this golfer to the level that he would be in contention to win in state amateurs, the U.S. Amateur, Nationwide events, etc.?



Anywhere from a year or two, to never.... depending on the person, and how good they can get at the shortgame, and how athletic they are (high school was a while ago eh? :)


You could ask the same question about somebody who wanted to play blues guitar as well as T-Bone Walker or BB King. Maybe three months or maybe never. What kind of a student is he? Leonardo DaVinci said "He is a poor student who does not excell his master." But, who knows the name of any of Da Vinci's students?

Did you win a lottery Ben? Old pal, old buddy, old chum?:D


Apart from mastering the technique and fundamentals of the game,you also need to have the right temperament for tournament play.No instructor can teach you that.Hogan mentioned in his book that what he thought looked like a good swing quite frequently falls apart in competition.

Apart from good technique and instruction,you also need talent just like any other sport.
I would agree with edZ but at 'heart'. May not have all the abilities or skills, but 'heart' can make up for alot. Still with all that is described, the golfer will need to learn course management and self discipline to at the top. IMO.
For those who want to know...no, this has nothing to do with me. I don't even COME CLOSE to being similar to the person I am describing. I am really am doing this to see how much the INSTRUCTOR can do for a person. Yes, the student must work at it, but if someone were to higher and instructor for 5 hours a day, I think progress would be made regardless of the student's learning ability.

Redan, I am not asking how long it would take this hypothetical student to win the U.S. Open or play like Tiger Woods or Hogan, just simply excel enough to be in the + handicap range.

And EJ, I agree that you do have to have a certain temperment for tournament play, but that really isn't a must. Look at John Daly. He doesn't have near the temperment for tournament play, yet he can and does win at times.

Brian Manzella

I could make the guy into a single digit in a year and by yaer three he could beat the bottom half of the field in a US OPEN or US AM qualifier.

Depening on if he is a chocker or a gamer, he could be the best player in his area in 5 years.
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