I am struggling...

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I am trying. Lord knows I'm trying. I'm still slicing that ball with the low irons/driver. Can you give me a drill, just one, that I can use to get me on the right track? When I master that one, I'll be back for the next! I love the ideas on this forum and thats why I'm skeptical to see a pro in my area. I live in S. Ontario and I haven't found anyone that subscribes to the methods (for the most part) on this forum. Any help would be great.[V]
Sometimes, it's necessary to stop trying so hard. You need to relax and reduce stress. The book suggests working in slow motion and to watch your hands. Slicing the ball could mean that the club is getting stuck behind you. Work the swing slowly and keep your hands centered.


I had the worst slice ever and i beat it, I think the first thing you have to know is
why you are slicing, do you know why?


Identify the cause of the slice before seeking the cure. For that you will need the help of a trained, professional, eye. There is no shortcut.
i would love the help of a trained professional. i'm just not convinced or haven't been directed to one i am comfortable with. would anyone know of a good one in S.W. Ontario. cdog, i'm interested in how you beat the '2nd' worst slice ever.;)
My reason for slicing was always opening the hips to soon and getting the club head "stuck" behind me - the hips opened the club face ending in a big push or slice.

I've been working on the cure by keeping the lower body a little more quiet (tempo'd swing with all body parts moving in snyc), swing from in to out and rolling (forearms) through the impact area, And yes at the same time hitting "down" on the ball with a flat left wrist (turn those knuckles towards the graound) and aiming for the inside part of the ball - when I do it properly its a "sweet shot"

I have a hard time slicing anymore - I may push the ball right when over swinging but mosstly I'm drawing the ball

My 2 cents from a "former "hacker" until TGM
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