I am thinking of getting a practice net and mat......

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Something I can use for the garage/backyard.

Does anyone have one?

Any thoughts?

Whatever u do do not buy an IZZO net I bought one, 2 months into it the ball went throught the net, cheap neat and the customer service was non existant,, I bought a replacement net at walmart much better hasnt gone through. The IZZO fiberglass frame is nice, it folds just like those car sun winshield shades, but the net is junk. check this mat.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Something I can use for the garage/backyard.

Does anyone have one?

Any thoughts?

Yup, save your money and don't do it. Hibernate and then come back out and practice otherwise run the risk of ingraining some kind of bad habit by not fully being able to tell where the ball is going.
I hate to admit this......but I sort of agree with Jim.

I had just about the best home set-up you can get. I had a full 10' X 10' X 10' cage and a professional size TrueStrike mat in my back yard. I hit a LOT of balls off of it and shot a LOT of video on it. I wore out 3 strike surfaces (and if you've ever been on a TrueStrike mat, those strike surfaces take a long time to wear out)

Anyway, after having it for four years, I sold it all on Craigslist when I took my year long sabbatical.

Looking back on it, I don't think all the time I spent on it was really time well spent. I didn't really improve my ball striking much and truthfully, the 15 feet the ball flew into the back net told me very little about anything at all.

Maybe if you were a beginner and finding the sweet spot consistently was a major priority, a backyard set-up would be a great deal. But if you are already a decent ball striker I don't see much need in spending the kind of money I spent, or spending the kind of time I did, pounding balls into a net.

But....your mileage may vary

BTW, I do have a picture of my old set-up if you want it. Just PM me.
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Trackman home studio or nothing.



I hit the ball sooo good of the mat but when I hit off the grass no way near the same results. How about you???

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator
That'd be great, if it were accurate. But still costs a lot more than a mat and a net.

For those of you with Flightscope, it can used with this simulator to create extremely accurate numbers/readings/etc. Claims that it is more accurate than the high end simulators, with the prices starting at under $4000 if you pay the difference. We'll find out shortly!
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