I had a breakthrough today

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I have been studying TGM for a few months now and I thought I knew what it meant to have your mind in your hands. I thought I did have it there. I may have had half of it there, but I think my intention was still to swing the club. Today on the range, I started to actually swing my hands. I totally forgot about swinging the club and tried to move my hands where I wanted them. I was hitting the ball better than I have in a long time and I have always hit the ball well.

It is like a car. The engine provides the power, but the wheels move the car. In the golf swing, the BRAIN provides the power to the HANDS and the result of that is the HANDS move the club. YOU never move the CLUB, you move your HANDS. I was just focusing on accelerating my hands past the ball and the club would respond appropriatly. It is scary at first to let the club follow, but it is very easy soon after because it's so simple.


benhogan54: I would say that you have stumbled on the aiming point concept. I came accross this some time ago and like you the ball striking improves straight away. If you have not been swinging the hands this way the difference is night and day. To work on this get into impact fix and get your hands over your left thigh place a ball on the ground that corresponds to a line of sight that touches the edge of your hands. Think of swinging your hands to that ball rather than the ball you are hitting and the results will improve. I used to do this while hitting balls out of deep divots which was a tip Ipicked up from Brian "Brian's Ball mashing drill". Work on this as well as Brian's lag article and the results will freak you out. I am working on Brian's "fiddle Drill " to get more lag and when I get more handy with the feel will hit balls out of deep divots using the aiming point concept described.


Get into impact fix with your hands over your left thigh forward leaning shaft ,flat left wrist ,bent right wrist etc. Look at your hands , look at the point where the hands touch you will see the left index finger knuckle and the 2nd and 3d fingers of the right hand. Look at this and there will be a corresponding point on the ground . Place the "aiming point ball" there and use that as a reference point to swing your hands to. Place the ball you are going to hit in your normal position either on the ground or in the divot if working on ball mashing.
quote:Originally posted by benhogan54

I have been studying TGM for a few months now and I thought I knew what it meant to have your mind in your hands. I thought I did have it there. I may have had half of it there, but I think my intention was still to swing the club. Today on the range, I started to actually swing my hands. I totally forgot about swinging the club and tried to move my hands where I wanted them. I was hitting the ball better than I have in a long time and I have always hit the ball well.

It is like a car. The engine provides the power, but the wheels move the car. In the golf swing, the BRAIN provides the power to the HANDS and the result of that is the HANDS move the club. YOU never move the CLUB, you move your HANDS. I was just focusing on accelerating my hands past the ball and the club would respond appropriatly. It is scary at first to let the club follow, but it is very easy soon after because it's so simple.

I know the feeling, the breakthrough feeling you felt. I felt the same thing as I brought my hands from left thigh on downswing, through the ball at imapct, back inside slightly past the target line and back up to shoulders. Felt like I was only swinging the handle of the club. In turn I would drill with an unused grip and watch and feel what my hands were doing. Funny how my body responded perfectly. Under pressure on the course I go through the same drill without a club before my shot.
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