I just love this swing

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Tony Lema was an icon and the golfing world truly mourned one of its greatest players when died in a plane crash.

Brian Manzella

CODE NAME: Soft Draw

Tony Lema

Geoff Ogilvy

Vaughn Taylor

Sam Snead

and many others,

Their swings were the inspiration for my newest pattern.

(That, and all the crap golfers are being taught these days)


Tony Lema

Geoff Ogilvy

Vaughn Taylor

Sam Snead

and many others,

Their swings were the inspiration for my newest pattern.

(That, and all the crap golfers are being taught these days)

Hi Brian! Wassup?

The thing I noticed about Lema, is how similar his swing looks to Trevino's, yet I understand that their shot shapes were totally different. Can you explain where the differences affecting ball flight are? Thanks!

At the top:

Tony Lema:


Lee Trevino:


Approaching impact:

Tony Lema:


Lee Trevino:



Tony Lema:


Lee Trevino:


Brian Manzella

Johnny Miller's FADE thought, and DRAW thought Patterns!

Tony Lema • Lee Trevino


Brian Manzella

The Answer Manz....

Lee aimed well left and swung AWAY from his left leg.
Tony aimed slighty right and swung slight ACROSS his left leg.

Lee's path was more left because of the aim, and Tony's more right.

I say Lee (to the target) on a GOLFTEK machine, would be square path, 1° open to 2° open clubface. Tony would be about 4° inside-out and 1° or 2° open.

Big difference in those shots.


Thanx, boss! I always thought it was a little funny that J. Miller used those as his draw and fade models, given how similar they "look"...
Anyone own a Shell's video with Lema? I'm wondering if he hits the ball better in one than the others.


Lee aimed well left and swung AWAY from his left leg.
Tony aimed slighty right and swung slight ACROSS his left leg.

Lee's path was more left because of the aim, and Tony's more right.

I say Lee (to the target) on a GOLFTEK machine, would be square path, 1° open to 2° open clubface. Tony would be about 4° inside-out and 1° or 2° open.

Big difference in those shots.

Interesting that even though Tony swings more towards/across his left leg, the clubhead swings more inside-out than Lee.
Ya it is. Good example of "the ball only knows what the club is doing."

(and the positioning of the body influences WHAT the club does)
The best Lema match from Shell's WWOG...

Anyone own a Shell's video with Lema? I'm wondering if he hits the ball better in one than the others.

The one you proabaly want is the match between Tony and Peter Alliss from Mid-Ocean Club in Bermuda. Both Tony and Peter played well in the match. This one's not tough to find either
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