I knew it was coming

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I am thinning out, heavily, my golf book collection for 2 reasons, the wife and the machine. The wife is complaining about shelf space, and the 3 imperatives have made many books obsolete. One book that keeps on climbing up my list to the top is Golf-o-metrics by Joe Norwood. It is a book, like Dante's, written before the machine, but also greatly supported by it. any thoughts on Norwood please?
quote:Originally posted by diggerdog

I am thinning out, heavily, my golf book collection for 2 reasons, the wife and the machine. The wife is complaining about shelf space, and the 3 imperatives have made many books obsolete. One book that keeps on climbing up my list to the top is Golf-o-metrics by Joe Norwood. It is a book, like Dante's, written before the machine, but also greatly supported by it. any thoughts on Norwood please?

If you sell it, I'll buy it. I'm building a collection of older books.
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