I need help with long bunker shots

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I rarely have trouble with short greenside bunker shots. I usually use my 58 degree and splash it out pretty close to the hole.

I have no idea how to play the longer greenside bunker shots where I have to carry the ball further. I have no problem getting it out, but it is always 10-20 ft short.

Should I play those with a 52 degree wedge, take a longer stroke, close the face a little......? I really have no idea what to do on these longer shots.

What do you guys do?

use ur p wedge. dig in the INSIDES of your feet. grip down towards the shaft, and aim to catch it like a fairway bunker shot ie ball first

works for me and alot of others
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Use more club, take a longer swing, keep the lower body quiet, don't dig in as much, choke up a little more.
Any or all of the above.
I rarely have trouble with short greenside bunker shots. I usually use my 58 degree and splash it out pretty close to the hole.

I have no idea how to play the longer greenside bunker shots where I have to carry the ball further. I have no problem getting it out, but it is always 10-20 ft short.

Should I play those with a 52 degree wedge, take a longer stroke, close the face a little......? I really have no idea what to do on these longer shots.

What do you guys do?



New member
Sandshots seem to be the ultimate way to see the importance of using the club like a club--what with using bounce and all.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
15-30 yards....

it depends on the type of shot you want: high and soft or low and running. There are techniques for both. Brians video would be a good investment. He goes over a lot of different variations. For instance, one easy way to add more distance is to add "roll" through the shot.
it depends on the type of shot you want: high and soft or low and running. There are techniques for both. Brians video would be a good investment. He goes over a lot of different variations. For instance, one easy way to add more distance is to add "roll" through the shot.

I was thinking more roll/horizontal hinge too (I like how you put it though, very non-TGM/technical and easy to understand). I think I heard that tip from Brian in a lesson, though :rolleyes: .
Have you seen "Oevr & Out"?

Just watched over and out and it has exactly what I needed. Another excellent video Brian, thanks.

Just need to get out and practice the bread and butter with "some" roll for those longer shots.

The pitch shots on the video are going to be good for practice as well.
Just watched over and out and it has exactly what I needed. Another excellent video Brian, thanks.

Just need to get out and practice the bread and butter with "some" roll for those longer shots.

The pitch shots on the video are going to be good for practice as well.

I was thinking about this today when I had a bunker shot from about 25 yards. A little extra roll and it worked like a charm :).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Just remember that if you want to 'add some roll' to gain some extra yardage you will probably have less spin and might come out a bit lower. So plan accordingly for the shot.
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