I was excited to get out to the range a couple of days ago after reading Brian's posts on the importance of the clubface in maintaining a flat left wrist and coming down on plane. So I get out to the range and start working on twistaway, and I videotaped a couple shots with 7 irons. Everything looked reasonably good and I was hitting the ball quite good. I got out to the course and other than hitting 4 horrible shots I hit the ball pretty well. The next day at the range everything looked pretty decent with the shorter irons, then I videoed a 3 wood shot and HOLY OVER THE TOP! It was one of the worst swings I have ever made, and I twisted the heck out of the club on the way back, and held it to impact. I taped a few more to make sure it wasn't a fluke and more of the same. I have plenty of axis tilt, I bump my hips to start the downswing, I don't know what the heck is going on. I used to be a 4 handicap, and I feel myself moving to a 14 handicap quickly. It would be quite a bit higher but my short game is solid, probably about a 3 handicap. Anyway, how can I follow the instructions of the Never Slice Again video and come over the top like a 40 handicap hacker? I'm about ready to put all my stuff on ebay.