I stink...Twistaway and Over the Top

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I was excited to get out to the range a couple of days ago after reading Brian's posts on the importance of the clubface in maintaining a flat left wrist and coming down on plane. So I get out to the range and start working on twistaway, and I videotaped a couple shots with 7 irons. Everything looked reasonably good and I was hitting the ball quite good. I got out to the course and other than hitting 4 horrible shots I hit the ball pretty well. The next day at the range everything looked pretty decent with the shorter irons, then I videoed a 3 wood shot and HOLY OVER THE TOP! It was one of the worst swings I have ever made, and I twisted the heck out of the club on the way back, and held it to impact. I taped a few more to make sure it wasn't a fluke and more of the same. I have plenty of axis tilt, I bump my hips to start the downswing, I don't know what the heck is going on. I used to be a 4 handicap, and I feel myself moving to a 14 handicap quickly. It would be quite a bit higher but my short game is solid, probably about a 3 handicap. Anyway, how can I follow the instructions of the Never Slice Again video and come over the top like a 40 handicap hacker? I'm about ready to put all my stuff on ebay.

Have you videoed your swing before? (maybe you always did that no?)

Where do misses go?


Can you get the vid up on the site Matt?

I video my swing every time I go to the range.

I've had all sorts of misses lately. Everything but a shank basically.

I will get out to the range tomorrow, experiment with some stuff and try to post a video tomorrow.


same stage

Having just completed my spring planting, finding a little time to work on swing

Dove into Itallion stalions twist away on Monday at the range........found the same thing going on.........but

added the a pinch of axis tilt, a peck of extensor action, a twist of right-forearm majic and dose of smooth tempo and hit bombs straight away like i havent been able to since i was 30 something

just be patient at the top, feel the extensor action all the way up/down and hold the twist/lag deep into the down and you will be ok

I commend Brian on keeping the twist away alive and well----DaVince code uncovered again

Brian Manzella


...for the 99,000th time...

The "Twistaway" is for those who need it.

Who are those people?

1. Pure-D slicers—as in: "I have never hit a draw in my life."

2. Horrible FLIPPERS who need something to make "hitting the box" a reward.

3. Shankers

4. People who—after a good backswing—get under the sweetspot on the downswing, repeatedly.

If you can 'square the face,' on your own—without flippin'—you need ANYTHING but a twistway.....

...unless you can make it work.

Brian Manzella

Never Slice Again Pattern (simplified)

1. Draw-ers set-up

2. Manzella/Neutral grip.

3. Line the left shoulder and the right hip up on the backswing.

4. Hold the twist at start down.

5. Swing under the stick with axis tilt and filling up the gap at the left hip.

6. Hit the ball at 4'oclock

7. Let you arms swing enough to allow the right arm to swing across the chest.

8. Hit the box.

9. Wedding Ring Up swivel.

10. Hips, hands, open clubface sequence through the ball applied with EXTRA frisbee toss unwind.
playing w/ fire?

Brian Manzella said:
...for the 99,000th time...

The "Twistaway" is for those who need it.

Who are those people?

1. Pure-D slicers—as in: "I have never hit a draw in my life."

2. Horrible FLIPPERS who need something to make "hitting the box" a reward.

3. Shankers

4. People who—after a good backswing—get under the sweetspot on the downswing, repeatedly.

If you can 'square the face,' on your own—without flippin'—you need ANYTHING but a twistway.....

...unless you can make it work.

.........sounds like we are a couple of kids playing w/ fire,
I was amazed i ddint hook the devil out of it, but was amazed at the clubhead speed and increased launch angle the twist away gave me, but it likely was somewhat i was doing a better job with EA and MRF dicipline on top of it and finally not flipping/retain the lag etc

just let us teenagers expeirement in the back seat awhile--its fun
I'm not an idiot, I flip to hit it straight, thus I tried twistaway, and the Never Slice Again pattern at large.


Brian Manzella

Idiot? No, no, no...just a golfer without a second set of eyes and 25 yers experienc

It always AMAZES me, how many people can improve with some good information.

You problem is that you may either be missapplying it or picking the wrong set of "notes."

I would love to use you as a test subject....

I have a new feature I am about to use, to do better "long-distance" teaching.

Are you in?
Well if you want another guinea pig Brian I am in!
I am struggling big time trying everything under the sun
Started the year as a 7 and am nearly up to a 10 after 20 rounds
I fixed myself, I'm good, thanks. Agree it's a great project. I even figured out how to get close to maximum trigger delay with a flat left wrist well after impact! Life is good.
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birdie_man said:
Still on the to-do list guys?

Sounds like a great project...

mrodock said:
I fixed myself, I'm good, thanks. Agree it's a great project. I even figured out how to get close to maximum trigger delay with a flat left wrist well after impact! Life is good.

Is the test position open Brian? If so, how about me?

I would be a REAL test case!

1) I really do stink :: Index = 24.3 (as opposed to a self-pitying single-digit player who just needs a tweak ;) )
2) I am serious about getting better
3) I have the means to take, edit and post video
4) I'll do what you say
Loubert said:
Is the test position open Brian? If so, how about me?

I would be a REAL test case!

1) I really do stink :: Index = 24.3 (as opposed to a self-pitying single-digit player who just needs a tweak ;) )

That's funny man, I don't take offense! You must our type pathetic.

For me twistaway tended to lead to over the top, so I no longer do that, I have a bent left wrist at the top which is much more natural and I flatten the left wrist at the transition which has given me close to maximum trigger delay. Also I am doing much better at getting on-plane now.

mrodock said:
I fixed myself, I'm good, thanks. Agree it's a great project. I even figured out how to get close to maximum trigger delay with a flat left wrist well after impact! Life is good.

Life is good!?!?

Well sweet dood.

Good stuff.

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