Ideas About the Release Grip

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Recently I purchased the Ideas about the release video and had a brief question about the grip Brian talks about in the video. As a bit of a backstory I learned my grip at a young age from a molded grip and have not given it much thought since then.

However, during that portion he discusses having the lines on your bottom three fingers be more 90 degrees in comparison to the grip. This was something I had never heard and being how important I believe the grip to be I tried this. I even went so far as to pull out the old molded grip, and found it impossible to do either on a regular grip or the molded one.

As an aside ive always been known to have "surgeons hands" in that they are very slender and small. My question is this, could this been an issue with the size of my grips, or how can I adjust my grip accordingly so that I can get my hands into this position.



I would start with making sure you are playing the right sized grip. For me personally this minor grip change has done wonders in terms of performing the release.


New member
Part of the issue with structuring your grip correctly is placing your hands at the correct "height". If you set your hands high enough to achieve an orthodox amount of ulnar deviation at address. That may help in getting your fingers toward the desired look.
Part of the issue with structuring your grip correctly is placing your hands at the correct "height". If you set your hands high enough to achieve an orthodox amount of ulnar deviation at address. That may help in getting your fingers toward the desired look.

I think getting some UD of the lead wrist is a key to getting the "left thumb under feel"

something that I struggled getting.

I think Brian said the last two fingers of the left hand not the last three fingers at 90* to the grip. This may make taking the grip easier to accomplish.


I think getting some UD of the lead wrist is a key to getting the "left thumb under feel"

something that I struggled getting.

I think Brian said the last two fingers of the left hand not the last three fingers at 90* to the grip. This may make taking the grip easier to accomplish.

Matt, can you clarify what you mean by left thumb under.
Matt, can you clarify what you mean by left thumb under.

I was referring to statements Brian has made in his videos and others as well about sensing the club resting under the lead hand

thumb at the top and at the finish in some swings.

This sense has increased club awareness during my swing.


Thanks Matt. I thought that's what you meant but wasn't sure. I guess the stronger grip now advocated puts the thumb more under, but I'm still unsure why more UD at address requires our leads to a stronger grip.


However, during that portion he discusses having the lines on your bottom three fingers be more 90 degrees in comparison to the grip. This was something I had never heard and being how important I believe the grip to be I tried this. I even went so far as to pull out the old molded grip, and found it impossible to do either on a regular grip or the molded one.

As an aside ive always been known to have "surgeons hands" in that they are very slender and small. My question is this, could this been an issue with the size of my grips, or how can I adjust my grip accordingly so that I can get my hands into this position.

Your top, lead hand... do you hold the handle with a "long" or "short" thumb position? Please don't say "in-between". ;)

Your lead hand alignment and positioning considerations are not only about weak-strong but also long-short. Another factor for release is grip pressure and grip style... full-finger, overlap, interlock.
First off thank you for all the replies so far, I will be honest and say I am researching ulnar deviation a bit but from what ive read so far it is having the wrist in a "downward" position.

Just to answer a few points so far my thumb is in a short position and I use an overlap grip. As well as the fact that my grips have been fitted to my hands.

What is considered to be an orthodox amount of ulnar deviation?
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