denny1953 said:
Mac O'Grady says Homer was 70% right.
He doesn't believe in hitting.
He doesn't believe in rt. arm takeaway
He thinks the book should have a bibliography.
He believes in some plane shift ,Homer liked shiftless.
MAC has a more complete pivot mapped out.
I am not the man Homer was the man.
Interesting - do you think that Brian's 20% and Mac's 30% are in the same territory - ie . they agree on the bits that they would change?
I reckon they probably are - both founded in geometry but carried forward on what works for Humans.
I have often wondered whether Homer's oft quoted interest in hitting perhaps biased some of the book - trying to have unifying concepts for hitting and swinging when in reality they require different concepts. eg:-
Hitting needs more extensor action; Swingers need much less - the best pro swingers often demonstrate really soft arms especially in the downswing ( think Greg McHatton swing - arms look really soft )
Zero plane shift - maybe hitters can get away with less plane shift. Zero plane shift, level left wrist at impact
and address and turned shoulder plane are not possible for most humans. Look at Dianne's photo when she set up at address on the turned shoulder plane ( 10-6-B #1) those wrists are not level at address! Plane shifts are needed if you abide by the alignments suggested.