if you have

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a good set up and allignment, mixed in with a good pivot, from there what can go wrong. how much can you screw up a swing that has a good pivot?
Seen a few who got to the top but didn't know how the hands and arms worked after that. Those guys and gals are easy to teach, tho.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Curious, how would you teach them?

Spike said:
Seen a few who got to the top but didn't know how the hands and arms worked after that. Those guys and gals are easy to teach, tho.


shootin4par said:
a good set up and allignment, mixed in with a good pivot, from there what can go wrong. how much can you screw up a swing that has a good pivot?
Inconstant "lag".


30yrlayoff said:
So enlighten us! What exactly are the hands and arms supposed to do?? ?????
Participate in "Loading and Sustaining the lag", the resistance (inertia) encountered during the swing, with other body parts.
four barrels said:
Curious, how would you teach them?

Hi 4B's,

Educating the wrists and hands through pressure point useage. Creating the 3 essentials and 3 imperitives. I use more of a swinging motion due to a right elbow operation years ago. However, I will teach hitting or swinging when the occassion arises.

I'm fairly new to TGM terminology and am really curious how the "four barrels" swing is taught. Would ya wanna tell me???

Thanks mate,

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator

Great question spike. Do you really want to know? Okay I will tell you the truth at risk of over sensitive jerks in my area that read this forum crying wolf at me.

Despite what many of my peers percieve and place unfounded criticism towards me at home, I rarely teach a 4 barrel swing straight out. It is more of an evolution of the pattern developed by a long term student.

The barrel in question that is percieved to be difficult to master in swinging is power acc#1 the right arm and elbow etc. If you study Chapter 2 in your little yellow book it will help you understand physics: that is the real plain boring truth unfashionable and hard to sell to internet junkies that want more info rather than applying just what will help them. If you are an east coaster you would never have opened your book at chapter 2 and be mesmerised by all of the minutia of chapters 6&10.

In a 4 barrel swing all loadings are used and the right shoulder pulls (along with the left) firing acc#1.

At the moment in the world hitting motions are being taught using acc#3 many of these are 4 barrel ones. This is more difficult than any swinging procedure of the 4 barrel variety. The plane line generally becomes a bubble not a line due to the false manual hand action being used. In which the zone 3(hands) is out of rythmn with zone1(pivot) These hitting motions can work but IMO are more difficult than swinging.

Think of it this way: is it easier to reverse a trailor out of your drive way (push)or drive it down the road(pull). You can feel control but you had better be strong and keep that radial acceleration perfect otherwise throwaway is on the cards. I limit it more to short shots or strong golfers.

In summary as Ben Doyle says I aim for Hogan (4b) BUT I would settle for Snead(3b) as 4 barrels is a lot of work . Keep leaning and evaluating 'information rather than selling', with an open mind Spike.:D

Spike said:
Hi 4B's,

Educating the wrists and hands through pressure point useage. Creating the 3 essentials and 3 imperitives. I use more of a swinging motion due to a right elbow operation years ago. However, I will teach hitting or swinging when the occassion arises.

I'm fairly new to TGM terminology and am really curious how the "four barrels" swing is taught. Would ya wanna tell me???

Thanks mate,
four barrels said:
Great question spike. Do you really want to know? Okay I will tell you the truth at risk of over sensitive jerks in my area that read this forum crying wolf at me.
why not just answer the question without the negativity? 99% of your posts have some sort of negative comment
Hi 4B's,

Thanks very much for the insight. Much more clear now! It does seem to me that a 4B swing has to be, like you said, evolved. I will continue to check things out, for sure.

I certainly did not want to give the impression that I was selling anything. If I did...sorry. Just here to learn and test my knowledge so as to become a better guide for my students and students to come.

Thanks again, mate....'preciate it!
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